Basecamp Prevention + Wellness

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Purpose, Priorities, and Planning

I love the start of a new year. Like with so many things when they are new, there is excitement and energy in welcoming the new year and all the opportunities it may hold. There is a lightness and brightness that comes from envisioning what can be – it feels like an annual turning point for unlocking the possibilities that lie ahead.

I also love that the new year offers the opportunity to focus in on our wellness and wellbeing. Whether making lifestyle changes, developing new hobbies, nurturing relationships, or exploring different ways to spend time, it is with the new year that we have a renewed chance to bring our vision for wellness to life. We can reflect on the past to shape the future we desire; we can turn hopes and dreams into daily routines and habits, stepping into our best selves to create the life we envision.

The perfect strategy for getting us started on this wellness path in the new year begins with clarifying purpose, priorities, and a plan. With this approach, we position ourselves to make intentional choices aligned with the wellness we envision. What’s more, these elements help us set the stage for a successful journey by keeping us connected to what is most important along the way.

Ready to give it a try?

We start with purpose. You might think of this first step as identifying a personal North Star. It is when we establish purpose that we have a compass orienting our hopes and dreams; with purpose, we create a foundation that ensures our goals resonate with our authentic self.

To identify your purpose for 2024, you might ask yourself:

  1. What brings me deep fulfillment and joy?

  2. When do I feel most alive and engaged?

  3. What are my core values and beliefs?

Once purpose is defined, then we can tackle priorities. This is like selecting the threads to use for weaving the fabric of wellness we envision. Setting priorities is crucial – it enables us to choose the most important threads and concentrate our efforts on goals that matter the most.

To identify your priorities for 2024, you might ask yourself:

  1. What goals align best with my long-term vision and values?

  2. Which goals will contribute most to my overall wellness and wellbeing?

  3. What goals align with who I wish to be or become?

Finally, once we have purpose and priorities, we can set a plan. This does not have to be a permanent plan but rather a plan for that next step… the action that will move us one step forward towards our wellness envisioned. Breaking down goals into steps turns aspirations or intentions into manageable, achievable actions – it is with a plan that we bring purpose and priorities to life.

To identify your plan for 2024, you might ask yourself:

  1. What are the specific actions needed to achieve my goals this year?

  2. What are the potential obstacles, and how can I overcome them?

  3. How will I track progress and celebrate achievements I have along the way?

The start of a new year is such an extraordinary time, bringing energy and excitement with all the possibilities that lie ahead and renewed opportunity to bring our visions of wellness to life. This year, we can step into this turning point armed with purpose, priorities, and a plan. With these pieces, we are empowered to take charge of the next steps forward and well-prepared to turn intentions into actions. Even more, we are stepping into 2024 owning our wellness journey, wherever it may lead.

What purpose, priorities, and plan will you establish for wellness in 2024?