Basecamp Prevention + Wellness

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Wheat-Free Muffins

Enjoy this heart-healthy recipe from our kitchen to yours! Check out more wonderful recipes by visiting our collection.

Prep Time: 10 mins | Cook Time: 20 mins | Serves: 12-15 muffins


  • 2 c oat bran

  • 2 tsp baking powder

  • 1 tsp baking soda

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 2 tsp cinnamon

  • 2 eggs

  • ½ c yogurt

  • ½ c maple syrup

  • ¼ c olive oil

  • Zest from one orange, about 1 Tbsp

  • 1 apple, peeled and grated, about 1-1 ½ c

  • 1 c dried, pitted prunes, chopped into 1/4-inch pieces


  1. Combine dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. Set aside.

  2. In a mixing bowl, which together egg, yogurt, maple syrup, oil and orange zest. Stir in grated apples and prunes.

  3. Combine dry ingredients into wet ingredients and blend thoroughly. The mixture will be quite wet; set it aside and the mixture will thicken and make a more rounded muffin.

  4. Spoon into the oiled muffin tins. Muffin cups should be no more than 2/3 full.

  5. Bake in center of 400-degree oven for about 20 minutes. Using a butter knife, ease muffins from tins to cool on a wire rack.


  • Substitutions: Parsley for cilantro. Chopped tomatoes for red pepper.

  • Serving suggestions: Serve on a whole wheat bun with avocado or in a lettuce wrap with red pepper hummus. Add a side of veggies or fresh green salad for a healthy and balanced meal.

  • Prep Tips: Double this recipe to use for quick and easy weekday meals. water before serving, shake or stir as needed to re-combine.

In the Kitchen | April 2020 | Recipe inspired by Good Food, Great Medicine by Miles Hassell, M.D. & Mea Hassell.
Basecamp Prevention + Wellness, Providence |