Basecamp Prevention + Wellness

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I WILL: Declutter

Letting go of stuff allows for a clearer space — physically and mentally.

This can include material objects like clothes, shoes, and old sports equipment. But did you know you can declutter your mind too? Clearing your mind might include removing yourself from a stressful situation and taking in a few deep breaths. It can also be the process of letting go of the thoughts that can be distracting throughout the day, and especially when trying to quiet the mind for a restful sleep.

‘Spring cleaning’ doesn’t need to happen just once a year! That freeing sense felt when you’ve cleared out a cluttered closet, dropped off a box or two for donation, weeded the garden, or paused for a mindful moment of slow, deep breaths — it’s a healthy feeling and one you can replicate at any time.

START SMALL: Each week, write down your to-do list of errands and tasks. Check them off one by one as you’re able to complete. This way, you can relieve some stress with trying to remember it all. Plus, it’s so rewarding to cross an item off that list! If clearing the mind is more your focus, try using this breath work practice a couple times a week — slowly inhale through your nose for a count of 4, hold your breath for a count of 4, and then slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of 4. Feel your body relax and your mind settle, repeat a couple of times if needed.

FINISH REMARKABLE: Schedule time each week for mindfulness moments of breathing, silence/meditation, and even journaling — spend 15 minutes in this practice. This gives your mind time to relax and exit the busyness of life. If decluttering is more about ridding of extra belongings, take inventory and set a plan. Identify what items you’d like to part with and find a local charity to donate. You’ve not only helped your community, but you’ve also double-dipped in the benefits for yourself by reducing the ‘stuff’ and doing good for others.

How can we help? Basecamp offers resources to support your wellness around this topic!
Here’s what’s available…

  • Take a step forward with one, or both, of our upcoming wellbeing series this Fall — both lend a helpful perspective to clearing the mind through a variety of practices and working toward achieving balanced wellness through goal setting and reflection.

  • Seeking a practice to help quiet the mind for a restful sleep? Try one of our virtual classes focused on just that! Meditation for Relaxation offers time to pause, breathe and be present with tools to take with you whenever you need a mindful break. Yoga Nidra is literally the yoga of sleep where slow movement, body scanning, and breath work returns balance to the nervous system leaving you feeling rested, restored, and even ready for a sound sleep.