30-day Spring Self-care Journey

It has been a long, slow transition from winter to spring this year. Overcast days and frequent storms are leaving the longed-for bright and sunshiny days still a little out of reach. Yes, there are signs of the winter thaw yielding to the hardiest of budding plants. However, many are still experiencing fluctuating and unpredictable weather, and it is challenging to wait for the anticipated warmth and full vibrancy of spring.

As human beings intricately and deeply connected with nature, it is probably no surprise that this long, slow transition can be difficult on us in many ways, including leaving us feeling sluggish and out of sorts. Our bodies and minds respond to the changing seasons, and the prolonged winter-to-spring transition can disrupt our internal rhythms and reduce our energy. While we long for the warmth of the sun, the lingering cold, gray skies can dampen our spirits. However, if we turn our attention to focus on wellness and wellbeing during this time, we can set the stage for an uplifting experience while we patiently await brighter days.

As we persevere through this second month of spring, one strategy for focusing on our wellness is to prioritize self-care. Though we may not be able to control the weather or seasonal change, we can control how we take this month to nourish our bodies, minds, and spirits. With the season of renewal and transformation upon us, it is only fitting that we navigate this transition emphasizing the replenishment of our reserves. For this reason, I invite you to join me on a 30-day journey of self-care and renewal, focusing on maintaining a positive focus to support our wellbeing overall.

Ready to join me? Here’s the weekly map that will guide us on our journey…

Week 1: Let’s get started with mindful beginnings.

We will kick off our self-care journey by setting the intention to start each day mindfully. We can begin each morning with a few moments of quiet reflection or meditation, taking deep breaths, focusing on the present moment, and expressing gratitude for the day ahead. Throughout the week, we will focus on making efforts to incorporate mindfulness into our daily routines – we can explore practices of mindful eating, deep breathing, or simply pausing to appreciate the beauty of nature all around.

Week 2: Keep up energy by nourishing from within.

During the second week of our journey, our focus will be on nourishing our bodies with wholesome, nutritious foods. This week will be our opportunity to experiment and play with incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into meals. We will work on savoring the foods we eat and paying attention to how different foods make us feel. As we experiment and play, we might consider trying a new recipe or two to expand our culinary horizons.

Week 3: Find new ways to move and groove.

Since physical activity is essential for both physical and mental wellbeing, the third week of our self-care journey will focus on moving our bodies in ways that feel good. Whether going for a brisk walk, practicing yoga, or dancing around the living room, we are exploring the activities that bring us joy and energy. Our aim throughout this week is to incorporate at least 30 minutes of movement into the day, and we will pay particular attention to how movement boosts our mood and increases our energy overall.

Week 4: Wrap up the month with soulful reflection.

In the final week focused on self-care, we are taking time for soulful reflection and introspection. Throughout this week, we will set aside moments each day for journaling, creative expression, or quiet contemplation. We can reflect on goals, values, and aspirations, as well as consider what changes might be important for moving forward in life. We will dedicate this time to reconnecting with our inner wisdom and cultivating a deeper sense of authenticity.

Bonus Day: Spreading random acts of kindness.

To conclude our 30-days devoted to self-care, we will dedicate one final day in this month to spreading kindness and positivity in the world. Whether offering a genuine compliment, performing a random act of kindness, or reaching out to a loved one with words of encouragement, we can all make a conscious effort to brighten someone else's day and create ripples of kindness that will inspire others to do the same.

The winter-to-spring transition is one that can be long and draining, often taking a toll on our bodies and spirits. However, in reframing the transition as an opportunity for self-care, we find space for exploring the positive transformation that is upon us. Through our 30-day spring self-care journey, we can take moments to reflect on our wellness adventures while playing and growing along the way. And with this reflection, as well as some new discoveries, we can come to deepen our appreciation for the beauty of spring – even through the long transition – knowing that every step taken brings us closer to the life we desire.

How will you begin your 30-days for self-care?

Embracing Daily Creativity and Fun to Thrive

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it is easy to get caught up in routines and responsibilities, meetings and activities, household chores and social obligations. Days are typically filled with a blur of tasks to be completed and deadlines to be met with schedules often packed to the absolute max. In fact, it is not uncommon that we find ourselves just trying to navigate the whirlwind of day-to-day by surviving from moment to moment. Our lives are filled with doing everything necessary to keep all the balls in the air.

Yet, one of the greatest impacts of being consumed by this busy-ness in daily life is that little space is often left for spontaneity, creativity, and fun, all of which are critical for shifting from surviving to thriving. All too often, we consider these “extras” or less important when it comes to our wellness; we forget in all the busy-ness that truly thriving requires practices for the physical as well as the emotional and spiritual aspects of our being.

And the truth of the matter is that creativity and fun have tremendous impact on overall wellness and wellbeing. Moments of spontaneity, creativity, and fun not only offer reprieve from the stress of daily life but are essential for rejuvenating our spirits, honoring our self-expression, and building experiences of enjoyment into the day-to-day. Whether through playfulness and imagination, or experiences of wonder and joy, it is when we infuse daily life with creativity and fun that we nourish our souls, fuel our passions, and revitalize our sense of purpose. They remind us that we are more than just our responsibilities and obligations – that life is also filled with moments of happiness and authentic fun.

One of the most remarkable things about crafting space for creativity and fun is that only our imaginations limit their expression. What’s more, they can be built within our packed schedules to infuse fun and thriving into daily routines. Need some inspiration to get started? Take a peek at these ideas for bringing creativity and fun into every day…

  • Morning Rituals with a Twist: Start the day by infusing morning rituals with a spark of creativity or fun. Instead of mechanically going through the routine, spice it up by adding elements that spark joy. Turn breakfast into a canvas by arranging fruit in an artistic design or hold a mini morning dance party with your favorite upbeat tunes while getting ready. It is through these simple creative acts that a positive tone can be set for the day.

  • Daily Doodles or Journaling: Find ways to carve out a few minutes in the day for doodling or journaling (no fancy art or writing skills necessary to enjoy the benefits of these activities!). You can unleash your imagination and relieve stress for 2 minutes by letting your pen wander freely across the page to create patterns, shapes, or whatever comes to mind. Or perhaps take 5-8 minutes to journal about the day, what fills you with gratitude, or your dreams and aspirations. It only takes a few minutes to reap benefits from this grounding self-expression.

  • Creative Breaks: Reenergize and refocus by incorporating short, creative breaks into a daily schedule. A simple strategy includes setting aside 5-10 minutes every 2 hours to engage in a creative activity of your choice. Whether it’s drawing a quick sketch, solving a puzzle, or even brainstorming ideas for a passion project, these breaks not only provide a mental breather but also stimulate creativity, making you more productive in the long run.

  • Explore Something New: Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and explore new hobbies or activities. It doesn’t matter what you try! Rather, in trying something new, you introduce novelty into routine and stimulate your brain in fresh ways. It doesn’t take being perfect or even mastering a skill – the benefits are in enjoying the process and embracing the learning curve as a part of growing overall. Who knows, a hidden talent or a newfound passion might be discovered along the way!

  • Playful Evenings: Look for ways to wind down the day with play in the evening to help the transition into relaxation mode. Instead of zoning out in front of the TV or scrolling the phone, opt for activities that engage creativity and bring joy. Build a blanket fort and have a cozy movie night, organize a game or puzzle, or simply spend some time doodling or crafting. These lighthearted activities promote bonding – with ourselves and with others – as well as facilitate de-stressing after a long day.

While often falling to the wayside in daily life, creativity and fun are not only beneficial but essential for our wellness and wellbeing. Regular practices of creativity and fun not only nurture our minds, spirits, and souls, but allow us to infuse life with more than the busy-ness of doing. With small adjustments in daily routines, we can build space for creativity and fun that helps us cultivate the vibrant, best life we envision. Even more, by prioritizing creativity and fun, we enrich our lives, nurture our wellbeing, and create a more space for thriving, one joyous moment at a time.

How will you infuse creativity and fun into your daily routine this week?

Spring Cleaning for Wellness

Can you feel it? The winter frost is thawing and there is an undeniable sense of renewal in the air. The world is undergoing its annual transformation – shedding the shadows of a long winter and embracing the vibrancy of new life. Lengthening days and warmer temperatures signal the end of cocooning and hibernation. It is time to shake off the winter blues and welcome those springtime fresh starts!

As the world awakens from its wintry slumber, it is with the springtime transition that we, too, can begin our own journey of self-renewal. Just as the world undergoes its annual rebirth, we also have the opportunity to shed the old and embrace the new. I like to envision it as a form of spring cleaning for our wellness, a partner strategy to spring cleaning our homes. In spring cleaning for wellness, we declutter our current practices to refresh space for the growth of the wellness we envision and desire.

As a spring-inspired strategy, spring cleaning for wellness is actually not that dissimilar from spring cleaning our homes. Just as we scrub away accumulated dust and grime, we spring clean our wellness by uncovering and revitalizing how we promote health, happiness, and balance in our lives. With careful reflection of wellness practices and habits established, we revive what is successful and put aside what no longer serves us well. Through this annual process of renewal, we welcome personal transformation and are better positioned to craft the next chapters of self-discovery and growth.

Interested in tackling your own spring cleaning for wellness, perhaps along with those living spaces and closets? Here are some strategies you might consider for your own springtime wellness renewal… 

  • Mindful Decluttering: Just as we clean out our closets and tidy up our living spaces, decluttering our minds can be the perfect place to start a spring cleaning for wellness. We can do this by taking a few moments each day to practice mindfulness through meditation, deep breathing exercises, spending time outside, or simply paying attention to the moment at hand. In revisiting and renewing our mindfulness practices, we clear our mental space to allow room for positivity and focus as we build our wellness.

  • Digital Detoxing: In our constantly connected world, a digital detox is like a breath of fresh air and another key spring cleaning for wellness strategy. Spring is an excellent time to reassess screen time and establish boundaries, such as tech-free zones and times in the day to unplug and unwind. In taking deliberate breaks from the digital world, we can reduce stress levels and improve sleep quality for our overall health. Incorporating moments of digital detox into our daily routines helps us to cultivate a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

  • Cultivating Positive Relationships: Just as we might assess old clothing or objects in our home during a spring-cleaning spree, this is also an opportunity to reflect on our relationships and social connections. Are we surrounding ourselves with people who uplift and inspire? Spring cleaning for wellness includes fostering positive relationships and letting go of toxic ones that may be holding us back. In nurturing our supportive social network, we are actively maintaining our mental and emotional health.

  • Reevaluating the Sleep Routine: Quality sleep is foundational to overall wellbeing and the onset of spring is the perfect time to reassess sleep routines. Through spring cleaning for wellness in this area, we can ensure that sleeping environments are first comfortable and conducive for sleep; then, we can be certain that we have a consistent bedtime and wake-up schedule to regulate our circadian rhythms. With a well-rested body and mind, we will be better equipped to handle the challenges of daily life; with good sleep we experience positive effects on our physical health, mental wellbeing, and emotional resilience. Learn more about the benefits of sleep hygiene and quality.

  • Setting Goals for Growth: Spring is a season of growth and renewal, making it an opportune time to set new personal wellness goals. Whether it's learning a new skill, cultivating a hobby, building new relationships, or achieving a fitness milestone, setting goals provides a sense of purpose and direction. With spring cleaning for wellness, we aren’t overlooking the goals we’ve previously established; we are, however, assessing, evaluating, and establishing the next goals that will help us reach the wellness we desire.

Springtime is often marked by a desire to refresh our living spaces, and a parallel wellness refresh can also have profound effects on our overall health. Through spring cleaning for our wellness, we can declutter our mind, adopt habits that support our unique journey, and nurture the positive relationships that renew our energy and wellbeing. Taking time for a little spring cleaning allows us to both prep our home for the summer months ahead as well as pave the way to living out the wellness we envision for the long-term.

Which of your wellness practices are ready for spring cleaning and how will you embrace their renewal?

Embracing a Heartfelt Adventure

There is much to *love* about February – a month focused on heart-care in addition to love. It’s a month dedicated to celebrating all the amazing things our hearts can do and cultivating all that our hearts allow us to be. It’s a time when we honor the power of the heart and appreciate all that it allows us to experience and share.

In addition to being the month of love, it’s fair to say that February also comes with a fair bit of uncertainty. We are uncertain, as yet, of the sustainability of wellness habits established in the early days of the year, and as winter persists, energy and enthusiasm often feel like they are waning. February is notorious for thoughts of stuck-ness or feeling uninspired. And while it’s true that some of us are thriving with newfound wellness and wellbeing, others are struggling to drum up the same level of energy and motivation felt only a few weeks ago. It’s a perplexing month when it comes to our wellness intentions and goals… I often think that success could go either way.

It is for these reasons that finding strategies for navigating winter ups and downs is crucial for building long-term success with wellness. In learning to celebrate victories, for example, we can develop a continuous source of motivation that helps prevent a winter slump from derailing progress. The development of a positive mindset is yet another powerful strategy that allows us to see the winter season as an opportunity for self-discovery rather than the roadblock it is often perceived to be.

Personally, my favorite strategy for maintaining focus and motivation in the month of February is to reframe wellness goals as heartfelt experiments. As an approach, the heartfelt experiment introduces an element of curiosity and playfulness into the wellness we are building, turning wellness-seeking from a chore into an ongoing adventure for continual exploration and growth. In reframing goals into experiments, we add a burst of energy and a spark of fun; it is through this lens that we revive the excitement in wellness goals that was felt at the start of a new year.

Here's a look at the process of transforming wellness goals into heartfelt experiments and tapping into new energy for our wellness journeys…

First, we are curious: In the world of wellness, sticking to traditional goals can sometimes feel strict or overly focused on the end result. Turning those goals into heartfelt experiments, though, gives us permission to become scientists exploring all the possibilities. With curiosity, we can try out different things until we find what feels right.

  • Experiment 1: Shift a wellness goal. Take a wellness goal and shift the lens to explore the goal as a heartfelt experiment. As an example, instead of setting a goal to lose weight, consider if eating more veggies could help you feel happier and healthier. When approaching from this frame of mind, you may be more open to trying new things and finding different ways to achieve the same results.

Next, we are adaptable and grow: Traditional wellness goals are time-bound and identify specific targets; however, this isn’t always the best strategy for creating sustainable change. With heartfelt experiments, we are empowered to go with the flow and learn from whatever happens. We are able to embrace changes as they occur and grow through the process of conducting the experiment itself.

  • Experiment 2: Try and try again. When things don’t go as planned, rather than panic – try again! With heartfelt experiments, we treat our wellness goals like playing a game where we are continually learning and exploring rather than succeeding or failing. For example, if you want to exercise regularly and miss a day or two, you might experiment with different exercises or schedules. Sometimes all it takes is a small adjustment based on what you learn along the way to have a big impact on the ultimate goal.

Last, we are open to adding fun to the journey: Setting traditional goals can become boring or rote when always approached in the same way. However, turning goals into heartfelt experiments injects a sense of playfulness into a wellness journey – instead of a serious march towards a fixed goal, it opens a realm of fun exploration for building a feeling of wellness overall. Goals that emphasize fun or play make the wellness journey more interesting as well as sustainable for the long haul.

  • Experiment 3: Make the journey itself a game. Wellness goals turned into heartfelt experiments can become a game through the setting of challenges, rewards, and milestones. Want to drink more water? Try a different fruit-flavored water recipe each week and then reward yourself with a fun activity when you hit a hydration milestone. Approaching a wellness journey like an exciting adventure boosts our connection and interest in sustaining new habits formed along the way.

Reframing wellness goals as heartfelt experiments is a powerful strategy that can transform winter slumps into opportunities for growth and renewal. In embracing the adventure of discovery through experiments, we infuse the wellness journey with curiosity and playfulness, and we overcome the winter blahs by cultivating habits that are meaningful and resonate with our hearts. After all, the pursuit of wellness and wellbeing does not have to be a rigid journey – with a heart-centered approach, we are building a strong foundation for wellness envisioned while also enjoying the process all along the way.

What wellness goal will you shift to a heartfelt experiment this week?

Purpose, Priorities, and Planning

I love the start of a new year. Like with so many things when they are new, there is excitement and energy in welcoming the new year and all the opportunities it may hold. There is a lightness and brightness that comes from envisioning what can be – it feels like an annual turning point for unlocking the possibilities that lie ahead.

I also love that the new year offers the opportunity to focus in on our wellness and wellbeing. Whether making lifestyle changes, developing new hobbies, nurturing relationships, or exploring different ways to spend time, it is with the new year that we have a renewed chance to bring our vision for wellness to life. We can reflect on the past to shape the future we desire; we can turn hopes and dreams into daily routines and habits, stepping into our best selves to create the life we envision.

The perfect strategy for getting us started on this wellness path in the new year begins with clarifying purpose, priorities, and a plan. With this approach, we position ourselves to make intentional choices aligned with the wellness we envision. What’s more, these elements help us set the stage for a successful journey by keeping us connected to what is most important along the way.

Ready to give it a try?

We start with purpose. You might think of this first step as identifying a personal North Star. It is when we establish purpose that we have a compass orienting our hopes and dreams; with purpose, we create a foundation that ensures our goals resonate with our authentic self.

To identify your purpose for 2024, you might ask yourself:

  1. What brings me deep fulfillment and joy?

  2. When do I feel most alive and engaged?

  3. What are my core values and beliefs?

Once purpose is defined, then we can tackle priorities. This is like selecting the threads to use for weaving the fabric of wellness we envision. Setting priorities is crucial – it enables us to choose the most important threads and concentrate our efforts on goals that matter the most.

To identify your priorities for 2024, you might ask yourself:

  1. What goals align best with my long-term vision and values?

  2. Which goals will contribute most to my overall wellness and wellbeing?

  3. What goals align with who I wish to be or become?

Finally, once we have purpose and priorities, we can set a plan. This does not have to be a permanent plan but rather a plan for that next step… the action that will move us one step forward towards our wellness envisioned. Breaking down goals into steps turns aspirations or intentions into manageable, achievable actions – it is with a plan that we bring purpose and priorities to life.

To identify your plan for 2024, you might ask yourself:

  1. What are the specific actions needed to achieve my goals this year?

  2. What are the potential obstacles, and how can I overcome them?

  3. How will I track progress and celebrate achievements I have along the way?

The start of a new year is such an extraordinary time, bringing energy and excitement with all the possibilities that lie ahead and renewed opportunity to bring our visions of wellness to life. This year, we can step into this turning point armed with purpose, priorities, and a plan. With these pieces, we are empowered to take charge of the next steps forward and well-prepared to turn intentions into actions. Even more, we are stepping into 2024 owning our wellness journey, wherever it may lead.

What purpose, priorities, and plan will you establish for wellness in 2024?

Joy-Seeking for Wellness

Last week, while I was watching television during a treadmill workout, a holiday commercial for a popular coffee came on. A shopper enters, orders a coffee at the counter, and then turns around to find the coffee shop full of people with no open seats to sit. After scanning for just a moment, another woman seated at a table creates a space by moving a backpack, gesturing to the shopper to join her with her coffee. It is a heartwarming moment of goodwill, compassion, and kindness, and at the end of the commercial, the words – spread joy – flash across the screen, reminding us that even the smallest gestures make a big impact.

Heading into the final weeks of the year, these types of commercials circulate often as holidays and celebrations are on the horizon. Regardless of the product being marketed, I find myself moved by each one – celebrating goodwill, compassion, kindness, and joy feels like such a fitting way to end a year! Yet, while on the treadmill watching this commercial, I also found myself reflecting that joy and the spreading of joy should not be restricted to this time of the year alone. While these concepts may currently have a particular focus, it is in creating more space for joy in the everyday that we stand to gain the greatest benefits.  

An intriguing part of our human experience, joy is an awfully big emotion packed into a tiny package. For many of us, it tends to be one of those elusive emotions felt only with success or good fortune. However, in exploring definitions of joy, its true character is more internal than external. It occurs in even the simplest of everyday moments and can be felt when we are open to the world, connected with ourselves, or embracing moments as they unfold. Joy is a deep feeling of happiness or pleasure triggered through a sense of life satisfaction or contentment – it is a state of mind rather than merely a reaction to an event or experience.

Like all emotions, joy is also deeply personal and unique to each of us: what brings joy to one person may not bring great happiness or pleasure to another. But what is universal about joy is the incredible impact it has on wellness. Numerous studies correlate happiness with multiple benefits to our health; given that joy facilitates peace, happiness, and a sense of wellbeing, it is no wonder that cultivating joy is known as an antidote for stress and anxiety. In nurturing joy, we foster more positive states of mind that alter brain chemistry and the physical functioning of our bodies. With joy, we are ultimately led to being healthier and happier overall.  

Despite how amazing this sounds, finding and cultivating joy are not always the easiest things to do. While the media may be full of tips on “finding joy,” most people looking for joy are not even sure what they are looking for let alone know how to use joy to boost wellness. Just as with wellness, there are no prescriptions that can be universally dispensed or taken to activate joy in our lives.

So, what can we do?

I find the idea of joy-seeking a powerful way to identify and expand the emotion of joy. Developed originally as a counseling strategy, the process of joy-seeking facilitates our ability to both recognize and nurture joy in our lives. It builds our capacity for knowing when and how we feel joy. It’s simple strategy is approachable and easy to use, and what’s more, its generative process provides us space to leverage joy for building our wellness in each and every day.

Curious to give it a try? Consider following these 3 simple steps to conduct your own joy-seeking:

  1. First, identify your own personal joy factors. Perhaps it is connection to others, spending time outside, using creative energy, or experiencing the freedom in moments of focus or flow – regardless of what your personal joy factors are, their identification provides a foundation for creating opportunities to bring joy into every day.

  2. Next, insert joy factors into daily life. With joy factors identified, inserting them into daily life and routines can become an everyday intention or goal. With the presence of joy factors, opportunities exist for joy to occur; the more opportunities available, the greater chance that joy will be felt.

  3. Finally, affirm and reinforce joy. With joy factors identified and inserted as often as possible into daily life, we want to affirm and reinforce joy by recognizing when it arises and reminding ourselves of its benefits and importance. Essentially, through affirmation and reinforcement, we are creating patterns of recognition for joy that allow us to surface joy more easily over time.

While the slogan – spread joy – may be used this time of year to foster goodwill, compassion, and kindness to others, we do not have to be limited by time of year to seek, find, and affirm joy in our everyday lives. In doing so, we stand to gain an ability to experience joy more often and more fully, leading to boosts in our wellness and wellbeing as well as a happier life overall. Joy may be a tiny package, but it packs a powerful punch – we will all gain tremendously in spreading joy within and without all year long.

What steps will you take to identify and bring joy into your every day?

Gratitude for Wellness

Over the past few months, I’ve noticed the speed of daily life seems to be increasing to a frantic pace. It is almost as if time is flying by on fast forward, and we are racing day-to-day to keep up. After years of uncertainty and a different pace of pandemic life, we are making up for lost time, cramming in as much as possible to avoid missing anything along the way.

This frantic-ness is never more noticeable than during the final months of the year. Numerous holidays loom on the horizon and many of us feel pressure to create our “best year-end yet.” We plan celebrations and traditions; we pack every event possible into our busy schedules (even stacking multiple events into one day!). Our emotions are frequently scrambled with everything going on, and the pace often feels frenetic in our attempts to experience it all.

Yet, despite known issues with keeping such a frantic pace, we can be honest and admit - it’s really hard to slow down! When caught up in the whirlwind, it is hard enough to stay grounded let alone know how to decelerate as the merry-go-round speeds up. However, it is exactly this frantic-ness that creates the need for our wellness practices more than ever, specifically those that draw us mindfully into the present and facilitate our ability to thrive during the final days of the year.  

The practice of gratitude is one component of a wellness toolkit that can facilitate a slowing-down in times of frantic-ness; it’s also the perfect strategy to revisit this time of the year! In a gratitude practice, time is deliberately taken to pause and reflect on the gratitude we feel in our lives. Whether recalling past events we are grateful to have experienced, current people we are grateful to know, or expressing gratitude for a hopeful next step into the future, it is through the expression of gratefulness that we both ground ourselves in the present moment and slow a frantic pace to a reasonable speed.

As one of my favorite ways to boost wellness, what I love most about the practice of gratitude is its simplicity and flexibility – it is perhaps one of the most approachable practices to weave into the everyday. Able to be shaped to suit our individual needs, only a few moments of time are required to create ripples of positive effects, and the crafting of a practice is only limited by our imagination. While maintaining a journal may be a common method of practice, personal expressions of gratitude can truly take whatever form best fits our own personal style. From random acts of kindness to making a phone call to express appreciation – from sincerely thanking a colleague to sharing a social media gratitude post – the possibilities are limitless when it comes to expressing gratitude and instilling our own unique, meaningful practice into everyday life.

For me, my own personal style of expressing gratitude comes in a daily reflection of see, savor, and share. With a reminder in my calendar, I make certain to take a deliberate pause daily to notice the world all around. As I pause, I am “seeing” what I am grateful for in that moment and then I am “savoring” and absorbing the gratefulness felt. Once seen and savored, “sharing” then takes many forms – sometimes I reach out to someone to express my gratitude, other times I write or share gratefulness in another way. Regardless of the ultimate shape it takes, though, in the “sharing” I root the gratitude felt and bring closure to a moment taken to practice gratitude every day.

So, with the year-end ramping up and a frantic pace taking hold, I invite you this month to take a moment to consider how you might tap into your own wellness toolkit to weave a practice that helps slow the pace….

  • What are ways in which you might pause, reflect, and take notice of gratefulness to be more present to the moment at hand?

  • How might the practice of gratitude help you slow down just enough to be able to savor each moment spent?

In these reflections, we can all orient a practice of gratitude as a way to both slow the frantic-ness as well as have more clarity to the things we appreciate most. We are certain to also find boosts to our wellness and wellbeing with focused attention on deeply enjoying these final moments of the year.

What steps will you take to build a practice of gratitude into your everyday?

Resilience for Wellness

Life is peppered with ups and downs. We have days of great success as well as those when challenges feel difficult to overcome. We make headway on projects and dreams then run into obstacles that set us two steps back. Opportunities appear; roadblocks shut us down. The high and lows are continual, and while sometimes the roller coaster is manageable, other times the ride leaves us feeling queasy.

As individuals, each of us has a unique way of riding the roller coaster and facing the changes that inevitably happen throughout life. Even similar experiences will affect each of us differently, and our emotional responses to life events will vary greatly. Though we will all encounter both successful and tough times, how we approach and cope with these circumstances is far from one-size-fits-all.   

Influencing us through it all is the resilience we all possess in some capacity – playing a significant role in our ability to adjust to life changes and events. Shaped through our experiences of life’s roller coaster, it is resilience that helps us to flex and adjust mentally, emotionally, and behaviorally in response to any of our experiences. With resilience, we adapt, adapt well, and emerge stronger from all the ups and downs.

Wellness is an outgrowth of resilience. When we are resilient, we are better prepared and more capable to construct the wellness we envision. With resilience, we can see the growth opportunities that exist for our wellness and can approach changes with an eye for creating the life we desire. Leveraging resilience possessed, we are better problem solvers, more connected, feel greater hope and optimism, and have greater life satisfaction. Resilience promotes our growth – most specifically into the best self we wish to become.

Though resilience, like wellness, will look different for each of us, there are strategies we can all use to build even greater resilience to further wellness. Here are a few to reflect upon:

  1. We can make self-care or well-care a part of everyday. When we tend to our own needs, including our feelings, we build resilience and wellness in tandem. In making self-care and well-care a priority, we support our wellbeing which allows us to be stronger in the face of stress or adversity. It’s a cyclical relationship that continually spirals upwards!

  2. We can review, reflect, and learn from our experiences. While not all experiences in life are equal, there is always understanding and learning to be obtained. In stepping back to review, reflect, and learn from the ups and downs, we build our resilience and ability to adjust. It is through these experiences we build capacity to adapt as well as grow stronger into the future.

  3. We can hold onto hope and take action when needed. Change is never easy, but it is something that is always occurring. While we cannot change the past, holding a positive or hopeful outlook on changes that are or may occur empowers us to take charge of the present. This perspective provides the space needed to envision and enact changes that best meet our needs. 

  4. We can stay connected with those who bring support, meaning, and love into our lives. The importance of connection can never be emphasized enough. Connection breeds resilience as it builds our network and skills for adapting and growing. As we connect with those who provide support, meaning, and joy in our lives, our relationships reciprocally provide us the support, guidance, and acceptance needed to further grow resilience and boost wellness.

As a learning process for adaptability, resilience is continually grown throughout our lives. Rather than something we do or do not have, resilience is a set of skills that we all possess and can continue to nurture through all life experiences. We can even expand our resilience as we ride life’s roller coaster and manage the ups and downs! As we do, our wellness can flourish with resilience in a way that reflects our best life envisioned. With resilience boosting wellness, we are empowered to create the life we desire.

What is one thing you will do today to nurture your resilience for wellness?

From Transition to Transformation

The shift from summer to fall is such a dynamic time. Settling into September, many of us face changes in routines from summer days just past. We watch as children return to school and daylight fades a little earlier each day; we find ourselves shifting focus away from summer adventures and adjusting schedules to a predictable daily pace. While it may be months yet before those short days of winter arrive, the season change marks a time of transition – when things are not what they were before and are not yet what they will be.

With season transitions, I often think about how shaping wellness follows much along the same path. Whether transitioning old habits into new ones or transitioning a mindset with a new focus, to practice daily wellness means letting go of the things that no longer serve us and experimenting with new choices to find the right fit. We transition from what was to create what can be. Through the process of transition, visions of wellness begin to come to life.

Yet, transitions are not endpoints in and of themselves.

Unlike navigating a season change, building wellness desired and envisioned requires more than just transitions. While developing “what was” to “what can be” through intentional transition is a first step, to shape our unique wellness also means addressing our own transformation. It is through transformation that we are ultimately able to internalize wellness and enact a new way of being. With transformation, we grow into who we wish to become.

The effect of focusing on transformation – as a critical companion to transition – cannot be underestimated. After all, how often do we make changes to behaviors for the purpose of improving our health only to resume old behaviors when the newness has passed? Or struggle to maintain a new routine when we experience unpredictable disruptions? Or fall into old thinking patterns, succumb to stress, or are distracted by other more pressing priorities? When the transformation part of building wellness is overlooked, it is unbelievably difficult to stay a wellness course. Without wellness internalized into our being, it is merely another task to accomplish.

So, how do we internalize wellness to move from transition to transformation?

First, we can reflect – not just on behaviors or actions that we would like to change but also on who we hope and wish to become…

  • How do I wish to think, feel, and act?

  • What are the experiences that I wish to create as well as have?

  • What are the joys and the learnings that have made me who I am?

  • What do I want more of in life and how will I know I have succeeded?

Then, we can connect – not just on the relationships we wish to establish but also on current relationships and the ways in which connection influences who we are…

  • How do I want to make others feel?

  • Who do I trust the most in my life?

  • What is something I wish others knew about me?

  • What does the world need that I have to bring?

Last, we can enact – not just in experimenting with new lifestyle habits but also in growing into the vision of who we will be…

  • What sparks my creativity? What is something I am willing to try?

  • What is on my bucket list? How can I make my list a reality?

  • What do I tend to put off out of fear? What are the ways I can face my fears?

  • What do I want more of in my life? How will I make it happen?

Opportunities exist each day for making choices about wellness, and for many of us this means focusing on transitioning from old behaviors to new. However, these transitions mark just the beginning to bringing wellness visions to life. As a complete process, we must also consider the internal work of transforming into who we wish to be. It is with transformation that we will truly live our wellness envisioned from the inside out.

What steps will you take towards your transformation today?

Pick One and Press Play

Have you ever found yourself “channel surfing” – looking for a show to watch but struggling to find something interesting even with the vast array of media at your fingertips? Or maybe you have stood in a store aisle, surveying the 10 options of laundry detergent and feeling uncertain which is the best choice? Or perhaps you have felt overwhelmed by the menu at a coffee shop, what to wear to work, whether to “like” a post on social media, or deciding what to cook for dinner?

Daily life is filled with weighing options and making decisions – it is one of the most common things we do! Intertwined with nearly every action of a day, we continually intake information, sort it into something that makes sense, and then choose (or sometimes not choose) the next step forward. And while not always difficult or complex, just the act of sifting through choices can be a taxing process that challenges us daily.

This is true with wellness, too. Each day we face choices and decisions to make about wellness. The world continually throws out fixes and solutions for addressing health and wellness; however, all the input, information, and advice can be difficult to decipher let alone help us decide. We must untangle truth from advertising and science from hopeful thinking; we must consider what is practical and weed out what might be impossible in daily practice. We must also sort through possible consequences, our emotions, and the dreaded fear of missing out.

That’s a lot, and we haven’t even decided what to do!

In fact, while human nature may be to weigh the pros and cons, list all the positive and negatives, examine the rewards and consequences – all to ultimately make the perfect decision – research demonstrates that this most often results in not deciding at all. This phenomenon, known as choice overload, drains the mental energy we have in limited supply and leaves our brains so overwhelmed that we often end up choosing… well, nothing.

To confront the complexity of decision making, then, requires a different approach. When it comes to wellness specifically, one method to tackle decisions is to simplify the process into two steps:

  1. Pick one.

  2. Press play.

First, while common to want to tackle many areas of wellness or lifestyle changes all at once, it is when we pick one that we have the best opportunity for success. By narrowing focus to one strategy, one habit, or one area of wellness, space is freed up in our brains to attend to the strategy and execute to the best of our ability. Shifting away from finding the best or the most expensive option promising results, picking one area we are compelled to address and pairing it with a strategy we are inspired to try allows us to calm our overactive brains to take meaningful action forward.

That, then, brings us to step two – press play.

Simply put, this means that once the pick is made, we get going. We press play to tackle that strategy, habit, or area of wellness chosen. Rather than agonizing over the possible solutions or being distracted by the “what if’s”, we consciously choose our direction, commit to the choice, and take action. In doing so, we bypass the systems in our brains that want to fixate on all the shortcomings, and we concentrate on making the best of the moment right here and now. In pressing play, we turn energy overinvested in analysis into permission to frame decisions as experiments for exploration.

In all honesty, there is no sense denying that decision making can be hard. When faced with numerous choices, it often seems that our brains short circuit, leaving us feeling fatigued or uncertain. These feelings, however, are not the result of a personal failing or flaw but rather symptoms that it may be time to step back and pause. It is then that we can pick one and press play to make decisions more manageable (and more successful!) as we continue to build the wellness we envision into our everyday.

In what area of wellness are you ready to pick one and press play?

Writing for Wellness

On an ordinary day, we accomplish hundreds if not thousands of tasks. Many are automated and habitual – we barely think about brushing our teeth or putting on clean clothes. Others, however, require focused attention, such as the endless debate about what to have for dinner. Regardless of the type, our lives are filled with numerous tasks to accomplish – most of us racing to complete as many as possible on any given day.

One such task that often goes unnoticed is the pencil-to-paper act of writing. While this may seem like an odd task to draw attention to, it only takes a moment of reflection to realize just how much writing occurs every day. From grocery and to-do lists to completing forms, signing paperwork, and capturing reminders on napkins, the truth is that technology has not yet replaced all forms of writing (to my 10-year-old’s dismay). In fact, many of us still find that writing occurs in some form with regularity – whether we wish it to or not.

Despite our familiarity with writing, and even the frequency of use, deliberate and intentional use of writing is much less commonplace. Our tendency is to view it as a task to assist with daily life rather than one that could enhance daily living. Yet, expressive writing has been shown to generate growth in mental resilience – a protective factor that allows us to be better prepared and able to tackle the normal challenges of life. For this reason, it can benefit us immensely to explore the use of writing – even shift it from a simple, mundane daily task to an intentional practice for supporting wellness and wellbeing.  

So, what might a practice of wellness writing look like?

Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to be a “writer” to write. It is not necessary to follow a specific format or be able to compose a perfect story or poem. It does not require a scripted length or proficient grammar and punctuation. Just the act of arranging words on paper can be effective for developing new understandings of ourselves and our driving motivations. Through deliberate and intentional writing, we can uncover our deepest hopes and dreams – we can bring our unique visions of wellness into focus.

Curious to give it a try? Consider one of these strategies to tackle a wellness writing exploration:  

  1. Write for self-reflection – This can be as simple as reflecting on who you are, who you are becoming, or even a reflection on personal growth. When we write for self-reflection, we are writing to understand and explore our own selves; we are writing to better define where we are and where we hope to go.

  2. Write to process – Whether exploring life events or thoughts and emotions held, writing to process is a way to help calm the chatter that occurs in our minds and allows us to cultivate observations of our experiences. This helps us better establish mind-body-spirit connections that can lead us to new insights about a topic at hand.

  3. Write for creativity – When we write for creativity, we become the best storyteller of our own lives. This type of writing allows for creative exploration of a story you envision or a reality you would like to create. It is through writing for creativity that we generate frames of possibility – we see our world from new perspectives through the story we unfold.

  4.  Write to envision – Bringing a vision into written words is a powerful practice that can support bringing a vision into life. By breathing what we envision into written hopes and dreams, we actively take charge of our life experience and choose the next steps forward that align with the vision of our design.

While wellness writing may not be an official type of writing in the way of essays, poems, and carefully constructed stories, it is an intentional and deliberate way of using a very commonplace task. Through writing for wellness, as opposed to daily task accomplishment, we can begin to explore the deeper feelings, emotions, and thoughts we carry inside and use them to generate new perspectives, identities, and pathways for moving forward. It is through even the simplest wellness writing that we can do more than check an item off our to-do list – we can craft and build the wellness we desire.

How will you explore the practice of writing to enhance your wellness this month?

Emotions and Feelings in Wellness

An all-too-common misunderstanding with wellness is that it is primarily created through behaviors instilled, actions taken, and habits ingrained into our lives. It is often believed that through making lifestyle choices paired with setting and achieving goals, we build wellness envisioned and actively construct the life we desire.

However, key components frequently underestimated for their impact on wellness are emotions and feelings. Though typically associated with our response to life events, emotions and feelings are a significant part of our wellness stories. As core elements of the human experience, they influence the development of emotional wellness as well as the holistic wellness that allows us to thrive.

While the need to integrate emotion sounds simple, understanding the role of emotions and feelings in wellness is unexpectedly complex. One hiccup to understanding feelings is that we are often unable to recognize them and give them a name. Research demonstrates that on average, people are only able to identify three emotions – happy, sad, and mad. The recent science, though, points to the existence of 27 different emotional categories – a far cry from the three most known. As a result, we are challenged to not only think differently about how emotions and feelings influence our wellness, but we are also tasked with growing capacity in understanding emotions and feelings to fully build our wellness.

While the next step to creating holistic wellness, then, likely lies with learning to better recognize and name emotions and feelings, it is surprising how difficult this can be. Noticing emotions as they surface can be complicated, especially if you have never paused to notice them before. Not only can it be hard to recognize the emotion or feeling itself, oftentimes the word used to describe it does not accurately reflect the feeling being had.

So, what can we do?

Since there are high costs for avoiding or suppressing emotions, including impacts on health and wellbeing, learning to correctly recognize and name emotions and feelings must be the first order of business. We want to develop vocabulary as well as better recognize emotions both felt and faced. In doing so, we build emotional intelligence simultaneous with emotional agility, skills that help us better understand ourselves as well as others.

Ready to give it a try? Here are three simple strategies to consider for growth in emotion and feeling identification:

  1. Expand your feeling vocabulary. Expanding vocabulary can be done by naming an emotion experienced with more than one word. When we describe experiences with greater breadth and depth, we capture a better emotional profile of the complex feelings at hand. We also find more accurate words to describe the emotion when expanding beyond a singular experience.

  2. Fully consider an emotion at hand. It can be easiest to describe an emotion or feeling as the first word that pops into our heads. But what does that word mean to you? How deeply is that emotion felt? And what does it feel like to have that emotion? In exploring the emotion or feeling itself, even in the moment we are having it, we can decrease the emotional charge and allow ourselves room to reframe the experience.

  3.  Write it down. An incredible amount of processing happens when we write things down. Writing can be cathartic for working through an emotion as well as provide an opportunity to examine it from another perspective. This in turn leads to an expanded understanding of the full experience of an emotion and new insights about the emotion itself.

Learning to recognize and name emotions and feelings my often be underrated in importance but is truly a critical practice for building the wellness we desire. When we can label and name our emotions, we gain greater clarity, develop deeper understanding of ourselves and others, and can better see the possibilities for future steps. Through recognizing and naming emotions and feelings, we become more able to cope with all that life throws our way, and we build the self-awareness, internal resources, and ultimately the resilience that allows wellness to flourish and thrive.

How will you examine and explore your next emotion or feeling?

Sleeping for Wellness

Spring has finally arrived, and we are energized! We are excitedly planning for the warm days ahead and the changing season has us thinking about rejuvenation and growth. We see flowers beginning to push through the dark, winter soil and we are inspired by #springvibes, #springishere, and even #springcleaning.

Despite the inspiration of this time of the year, spring is also a time when wellness and energy can fluctuate wildly. Spring signals changes that can be complex to manage – changes in weather and routines can generate feelings of uncertainty just as often as excitement. Life events, such as upcoming graduations, create both feelings of apprehension and joy. Vacations tempt us to rest and play but can also be stressful to plan and execute.

Another formidable change navigated in spring is the time change. While springing forward brings light to the evening, there are drawbacks to our bodies with shifting the time. Sleep and wake cycles become disrupted, and darkness in the morning can make it hard to transition awake.

A powerful way to address the fluctuations and challenges of the spring is with an emphasis on wellness through sleep. Though an area that is frequently overlooked and undervalued, sleep is an essential ingredient to creating balanced wellness. It has a proven impact on our physical, mental, and emotional health, and plays a critical role in everything from metabolism and memory to tissue restoration and vital organ function. Without sleep, we feel sluggish and terrible – with a good night of sleep, we feel ready to take on the world.  

Strategies abound for getting more sleep. From establishing a routine to creating sleep habits, it is necessary to both prioritize and create the environment for good sleep. What is also important, though, is setting the tone for restorative sleep. In examining or attempting to solve problems right before bed, we can wreak havoc on the sleep we need. However, if we can end the day emphasizing the positives that occurred, we can enable a peaceful transition into sleep, facilitating restoration and wellness.

Curious to give it a try? When heading to bed tonight, here are a few questions to ask yourself to reframe the day before transitioning to sleep.

  • What did I learn about myself today?

  • What are 3 positive things that happened?

  • How did I move toward my goals?

In reflecting on the positives, we are not overlooking the obstacles encountered or the problems to be solved. We are, however, ending the day with a deliberate emphasis on appreciation and gratitude to facilitate the sleep that helps us tackle the next day. In this way, we leverage sleep as a tool to both build and promote wellness – through restorative sleep, we will move further down the path towards the ultimate wellness envisioned and desired.

What tone will you set as you get ready to sleep tonight?

Embracing Change through Wellness

The final weeks of winter are an interesting and often puzzling time of the year. Long, dark days are finally coming to an end, and there is excitement to emerge from hibernation to plan for warmer months ahead. Yet, the unpredictability of this time of the year also leaves us somewhat in limbo – we are energized but wary of the winter’s end. We are not really certain when one season will end and the transition will truly begin.

In everyday life, we experience so many of the same emotions felt during seasonal change. We are excited and apprehensive, confused and uncertain, wary but also optimistic. Just like negotiating the winter/spring transition, we can envision the spring ahead but must also navigate the uncertainties of the present.

It can be a bumpy process.

What is certain, though, is that change is perhaps the most constant process we will ever experience. From enduring seasonal change to managing daily challenges, there will always be changes to navigate and overcome. They will take all shapes and sizes – from big to small and sudden to planned – and will occur for a myriad of reasons – sometimes the result of choices we make, sometimes choices imposed upon us, and oftentimes life simply unfolding in unexpected ways. With certainty, we will live through change continually, and it will often be complex and unpredictable, just like these final weeks of winter. 

When building wellness and wellbeing, facing change is an inevitable part of the process – to live the best life we envision, some level of change is guaranteed to be involved. But wellness and wellbeing offer so much more for navigating change! Through the practice of building wellness and wellbeing, we can approach life changes with an attitude of growth and learning. Facing change with a perspective of wellness can shape our change experiences into ones that generate growth, build flexibility, and create pathways for taking the next step forward.

Interested in trying out a strategy to tackle change through a wellness lens? Consider a change you are currently facing and imagine how these tools could shift how you navigate that change:

  1. Holding grace and space to adjust. Whether expected or not, change reflects the shift of one circumstance to another. In allowing ourselves grace, we let ourselves experience the emotions that arise without judgment. This allows us to take time to process the change we are experiencing – holding space to adjust to what is new.

  2.  Exploring with a growth mindset. While our feelings around change can be overwhelming, when we explore the changes through a growth mindset, we both process the change and understand how it can help us grow. With this mindset, we view the change as a learning opportunity and direct focus to what we have gained through the process.

  3. Using thought reframing. As a strategy, thought reframing can help us bridge changes by shifting the lens of what we understand. For example, we can use thought reframing to explore what aspects of the situation can be controlled versus the aspects of the situation beyond our control. We can also consider what benefits could arise rather than focusing exclusively on the losses.

  4. Seeking support. When it comes to change, we do not need to go at it alone. Support systems, including family and friends, are an essential part of our lives and an incredible tool when it comes to understanding and handling change. Having a sounding board for talking through a change with a loved one can make a tremendous impact on having confidence to face even the most difficult circumstances. 

In the ups and downs of life, there is one thing that we will all face with certainty – we will all face change. When we can embrace change through the lens of wellness, though, our changes can generate new perspectives, welcome new opportunities, and help us grow into new spaces. In this way, change can become more than something we survive – experiencing change with wellness will support the wellness that allows us to thrive.

What strategy will you use when faced with your next change?

Cultivating our Hearts

Our hearts are amazing. As one of the most essential organs, our hearts are engines for life. Pumping oxygenated blood and feeding vital nutrients into our bodies – the work of the heart is massive and mighty. It is with beating hearts that we can move and laugh; we can work, learn, and play.

Another amazing function of our heart is as our emotional core – the space from which we live our lives. Our hearts guide us through choices, hold our sense of self, and ground us in who we are, what we believe, and what we value. In our hearts, we hold truth and joy, heartache and growth, imagination and wisdom. It is from beating hearts that we can connect and bond; we can feel, appreciate, and love.

Wellness and wellbeing are intricately connected with these extensive capacities of the heart. Intertwined with our heart’s physical and emotionally functioning, in caring for our hearts we have a powerful influence on how well we will be. Through movement and nourishing foods, for instance, we can keep our hearts fit. By sleeping well and managing stress, we can keep our hearts balanced. In attending to our emotional core, we can also ensure that our hearts can thrive to their full capacity.

We can think of it as heart-care. We are cultivating the heart – nurturing and feeding the heart so wellness can grow and thrive.

An effective heart-care practice for cultivating our heart capacity is the practice of self-love. The practice of self-love includes knowing, valuing, and accepting ourselves for who we are. With self-love, we know how to treat ourselves with kindness and respect; we know how to set boundaries and create healthy relationships while also pursuing our own interests and goals. Without these practices, we can be prone to self-criticism, people-pleasing, and perfectionism; however, with a foundation of self-love, we can develop confidence in who we are and how we show up in the world, cultivating our heart so wellness can grow from within.

Now, self-love as a practice does not have to be complicated or elaborate – it doesn’t have to be cheesy, and it’s certainly not self-indulgent. Learning to care for ourselves is an essential practice and tiny amounts of self-love can achieve a lot. A positive thought, a moment of self-compassion, or an outreach for support all express self-love. We can also try:

  • Saying one positive thing about who we are,

  • Forgiving ourselves for a mistake,

  • Standing up for a passion or belief, or

  • Recognizing progress towards an objective or goal.

When we practice meeting our own needs, valuing our feelings, and holding ourselves accountable for our commitments, we are growing wellness. Each self-love practice also provides us a way to cultivate ourselves into the people we wish to be, creating the space to live the wellness we envision.

Regardless of where you start and where you are going, every wellness journey calls for cultivating the heart. Heart-care practices that strengthen body, spirit, and mind allow us to care for our heart from all perspectives of its capacity, growing the wellness and wellbeing we desire.

What is one way you will cultivate your heart today?

Envisioning 2023

The excitement for a new year feels electric. It is as if there is a communal sense of exhilaration with the transition – an energy that reminds me of static electricity generated when you rub a balloon on your head and the positive charge causes your hair to stand up. Perhaps the energy arises out of hope or maybe it is a sense of excitement about fresh opportunities and perspectives. Whatever the cause, the energy of the new year seems to generate a positive, electric charge – an energy that is ready to be put to work.

With the transition to the new year, I would like to offer the idea of envisioning as a powerful way to harness the electric energy currently in the air. Envisioning is a process through which we can accomplish more than just thinking about what we want to happen; it is a process through which we can ground ourselves in more than a resolution to accomplish a specific goal. Through envisioning, we see ourselves living as if our vision is already occurring – we can envision living as the best version of ourselves.

The process of envisioning is simple and effective – one that can help us make meaning in these first days of the new year. We can consider our purpose and intention; we can envision living our best life. Ready to give it a try?

Here are steps to begin envisioning

When it comes to envisioning, we first consider how we arrived at this moment in time…

What are the positives from the past year that I can bring forward?

What are the successes and experiences I am grateful to have had?

What are the achievements and accomplishments that have brought me to this place?

What are the learnings that have caused me to grow?

Then, armed with this knowledge and bolstered by the new year’s electric energy, we consider…

What do I envision for this new year?

You might ponder reflections on your strengths, your passions, and your values. Perhaps you will consider where you most enjoy spending your time and energy, what you love doing most, and what you would like to do more. You might consider the experiences you hope to have, wellness you hope to create, or how you will celebrate joy and meaning. There is no right way to envision, and there is no vision that is right for everyone.

Envisioning is a powerful tool that can help us start the new year with purpose and intention and is perhaps one of the greatest ways to mobilize the new year’s electric energy. We can put the positive charge to use, like plugging in a lamp to brighten a room. We can leverage the excitement, the freshness, and the motivation to start or build that hope we have bubbling up inside. In channeling the electric energy ignited with the new year, we begin this new year envisioning all that is to come.

What will you envision for 2023?

Moving from Intention to Action, Part 3

Make no mistake - behavior change is possible.

It is possible to identify our best hopes for wellness and create plans to make them a reality.
It is possible to experiment with new behaviors to create new habits and routines.
It is possible to navigate challenges with a focus on learning and growth.
It is possible to build support and accountability for creating our envisioned best life.


Yes - behavior change is undeniably complicated and hard. It involves much more than simply deciding to adopt a new behavior. Identifying, beginning, and maintaining new behaviors - especially those that are unfamiliar and dramatically different - requires more than raw commitment and willpower. Our biology and bodies crave equilibrium, which often means that it is easier to stay the same than to change.

Introducing and building new habits to create our own best wellness requires thinking differently about behavior change. We have to leverage proven techniques to be effective and take small steps along the way. In doing so, behavior change becomes possible, especially armed with the right tools and mindset. 

For the past two months, we have looked at a sequence of strategies to build sustainable behavior changes for wellness. We started with setting intentions and then built meaningful goals. For the last part of this series, we are exploring two additional evidence-based strategies for creating the behavior changes we desire - monitoring progress and celebrating success.

Monitoring Progress & Celebrating Successes for Behavior Change

It is probably no surprise that progress monitoring is an effective tool for creating behavior change. After all, how would we even recognize gains in establishing new behaviors if we are not measuring our progress along the way? According to research, frequent monitoring of progress is actually a critical component to success. On top of that, the more frequently you monitor, the greater likelihood you will succeed!

We can then combine progress monitoring with the partner strategy of celebrating success. When we recognize and own the small steps taken to creating the life we envision, we reinforce the behaviors that are helping us move towards our goals and dreams. In having pride in these small wins and accomplishments, we boost our self-confidence and self-efficacy, which motivates us to take another step and achieve even more.

Powerful stuff, right?

How does monitoring progress and celebrating success really work?

When it comes to building wellness and the behaviors that help us create the life we envision, setting intention and building goals are the first steps. However, in addition to dreaming and creating an action plan, we also have to keep an eye on progress to make sure that what we are doing lines up with what we envision. Not only do we want to be certain we are moving forward, we want to know that those steps we are taking - those new behaviors and habits - are actually going to get us where we want to go.

Imagine planning a road trip with the ultimate destination being a place you have been dying to see. Even with a fully packed car, allowing you many days to leisurely enjoy your drive, if you fail to watch the landmarks and start to head the wrong direction, you may struggle to get back on track toward your destination. Add to that - if you are only looking toward the destination, and not recognizing the awesomeness of the road trip itself, you are going to miss half the trip (or more)!

Fundamentally, monitoring progress and celebrating success have multiple purposes and benefits when it comes to behavior change, allowing these two strategies to be remarkably effective especially when combined. Monitoring progress helps us stay focused, set realistic goals, keeps us accountable, and helps us identify when there is a roadblock or challenge that needs to be overcome. Then, when we celebrate the accomplishments along the journey, we connect positive feelings with that new behavior, reinforcing motivation to stick with it, and the cycle keeps going. In this way, progress monitoring and celebrating success are important parts of how we perpetuate goals, continually propelling us forward!

How can this help us in changing behavior?

Changing behavior requires all the components we have talked about so far - setting intentions, building meaningful goals, monitoring progress, and celebrating success. By layering these strategies, using all of them combined in the pursuit of wellness, we empower ourselves to do more than just dream about wellness - we take the steps to build and attain the best life we envision.

Here are a few ideas to consider to monitor progress and celebrate success along your journey:

  1. Find your preferred way to track and monitor progress. Apps and trackers, bullet journals, calendars, charts - there are so many ways to monitor progress! It is less about which method you choose and more about finding the method that resonates with you and that you can commit to using regularly.

  2. Identify a system of accountability. Someone you can check in with and report out to on your progress. We are social creatures and setting up our social system to support our progress also serves to boost our inspiration to stay on track.

  3. Explore meaningful ways to celebrate your successes. Do you like to share with your family and friends, write down accomplishments, reward yourself, or keep a gratitude journal? Any of these strategies can be effective tools to celebrate success. The act of celebrating itself can be enough to support habit formation for new behaviors.

Monitoring progress and celebrating success are the final pieces of the puzzle when it comes to building sustainable wellness. When coupled with our deep intentions and our meaningful goals, these two last strategies enable us to not only bring our visions of wellness and wellbeing to life, they allow us to recognize and honor ourselves for our commitment to living life as our best self.

How will you own your wellness today?

Moving from Intention to Action, Part 2

Make no mistake - behavior change is complicated.

It is complicated to face our own selves and unravel why we behave in certain ways.
It is complicated to identify reasons we are motivated to change and know the patterns to alter.
It is complicated to navigate social influences and experiment with new behaviors.
It is complicated to disrupt current habits while also trying unfamiliar actions.

Changing behavior is so much more complicated than deciding to adopt a new behavior. We have to be open to embracing the change process as dynamic and unpredictable. We have to adopt patience with the complexity involved in disrupting ingrained behaviors. We have to be ready to draw upon our tenacity and perseverance to stick through the ups and downs of creating the changes we desire.

However, while the behavior change process is complicated, it is also completely possible - especially with the right tools at hand. Last month, we looked at the research and strategies for setting intentions to help us initiate the change process. Now, let’s explore the next evidence-based strategy for creating the behavior changes we envision - setting goals.

Goal Setting for Behavior Change

Goal setting is a topic with which we are all probably fairly familiar. In fact, in the world of wellness and wellbeing, goal setting may be one of the topics that is most frequently mentioned! We all have set goals at some time in our life and for all kinds of reasons. We know that goals help us become focused, start new behaviors, and organize our time. And yet, how often have you gone through the motions of setting an important goal but then experienced hit or miss success with achieving it?

Setting goals is not a radical or new strategy for creating behavior change. According to the research, goal setting is actually one of the most historically successful strategies for establishing new behaviors. What is often missing, though, is that we do not truly understand how goal setting really works. We use formulas to get the initial words out, “I will…”, but we fall short in detailing the parallel action plan, execution plan, strategies to overcome obstacles, and the grounding why to make the goal meaningful.

How, then, does goal setting really work?

At the core, goal setting works when it comes to behavior change by helping us focus attention, provide direction, generate motivation, and keep us accountable. Setting goals is taking the next step from setting an intention. It is through goal setting that we take the hopes and dreams for the life we envision, then develop and enact the plan to make it happen. Michael Hyatt, the author of Your Best Year Ever, captured how goal setting works when he wrote, “Great results don’t just happen. You don’t usually drift to a destination you would have chosen. Instead, you have to be intentional, force yourself to get clear on what you want and why it’s important, and then pursue a plan of action that accomplishes your objective.”

So how can this help us in changing behavior?

Changing behavior through goal setting requires thinking beyond the intention we set to building a plan of action with execution tactics. Not only do we need to consider what behavior we want to change and what goal we believe will help us achieve change, we also have to determine what makes it meaningful, what is motivating us, the steps needed for execution, and how we will deal with the roadblocks that will inevitably arise. Through this detailed understanding of our goals, we are better able to make goal setting work for us.

Ready to take goal setting to the next level? Here are some questions to use to guide in meaningful and effective goal creation:

  1. Is my goal specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART)? If you need more information on writing SMART goals, follow the link above or search online for a plethora of information. 

  2. Have I written my goal down and made it visible? Writing goals makes them more real and builds commitment; keeping goals in view is a key to success.

  3. Do I have a plan for when obstacles come up? When life happens, what will be plan B or even plan C to help keep on track? Having a back-up plan is an effective technique for staying the course.

  4. How will I hold myself accountable? And what is the time frame for checking in and adjusting my goals as needed? We all need accountability, and setting up a plan for checking progress is the best way to know when we are moving towards our goals.

  5. How will I practice self-compassion and kindness towards myself? Executing goals rarely goes completely as planned. Ensuring that we are reflective and kind to ourselves keeps us in the growth mindset for making change.

Setting effective goals can be a game changer when it comes to behavior change. It allows us to build appropriate execution plans and support strategies to be able to bring visions of wellness and wellbeing to life. And while behavior change may be complicated, it is through setting goals that we can be begin to execute that life we envision as our best self.

What goal will you set for yourself today?

Moving from Intention to Action, Part 1

Make no mistake - changing behavior is hard.

It is hard to understand what to change and then know how to change it.
It is hard to overcome habits and establish new routines.
It is hard to do things that are unfamiliar and feel overwhelming.
It is hard to find the positive when challenges feel insurmountable.

Not only is the process of change complex, complicated, and messy, it takes time, energy, and commitment. It often means acknowledging deep fears and emotions. We have to be willing to investigate the beliefs we hold about ourselves and hold ourselves accountable to manage them. We need to uncover personal core values. We have to face breaking old patterns. We have to take risks.

What if I am willing to do all those things and changing behavior is still hard? What is holding me back?

Decades of research has shown that it is not simply lack of commitment or willpower that hold us back from making behavior changes. In order to change a behavior, we have to give up a behavior - one that’s been formed and ingrained through habit and repetition. This is largely attributed to neural patterns in our brains that become deeply grooved over time, solidifying habits so behaviors become automatic. This serves us well when it comes to driving - we have been practicing for decades and can hold a conversation while also being able to stop at stoplights or accelerate into traffic. Where this does not serve us well, however, is when we want to replace an unhealthy behavior with a healthier one, especially when the unhealthy behavior has become habitual. 

Despite this, changing behavior is absolutely possible - it just may require a different approach than one tried in the past. When it comes to ingrained, habitual behaviors, an analysis of behavior change strategies highlights that there are actually only a few strategies that work to create change, and even fewer that work well. Knowing this can bring a semblance of sanity to our behavior change experiences! Our inability to break those unhealthy behaviors or habits is more likely the effect of using an incompatible strategy than a weakness in willpower or an inability to commit.

Over the next few months, we will be leveraging research to focus on the behavior change strategies that do work - strategies that will help us initiate and execute change. Ultimately, we can change behavior, especially when we have the right tools at hand. Let’s start with exploring intentions.

Setting Intentions for Behavior Change

Now, the general idea of setting an intention may not be new, and it is a strategy that many of us have tried. Maybe you have set an “intention” to start a new exercise routine, decrease screen time, or address chronic stress. Or maybe you have set an “intention” to be kind, make good choices, or eat healthy. You may have even started some new behaviors once you set an intention! In the end, though, even with the best intention, you may have experienced that new behaviors didn’t quite stick.

How, then, does setting intention work?

The gap between intention and action is one of the most extensively studied topics in behavioral science. Why? Simply put - because moving from intention to action is hard, just as we explored. We can set an intention to eat healthy, for example, but if we do not also establish the sequence, routines, and supports we need to make healthy eating occur, the intention is not likely to change behavior. Yet, setting intentions can be an effective strategy. The key is that intentions have to be set deliberately, mindfully, and with an understanding of purpose and design. Intentions themselves are not, after all, goals -- intentions are the starting point for that which you wish to create.

In his book, The Mindful Brain, Daniel J. Siegel explains that, “intentions create an integrated state of priming, a gearing up of our neural system to be in the mode of that specific intention: we can be readying to receive, to sense, to focus, to behave in a certain manner.” In other words, intentions allow us to prepare ourselves and then serve as catalysts so we can achieve something new. When we set an intention, we are creating alignment between the vision we have of living as our best selves, the goals we hope to accomplish, and the daily routine we construct to make it all happen. Powerful stuff, right?

So how can this help us in changing behavior?

To change behavior using intentions, it is necessary to consider two things:

  1. How do you want to show up in the world and what is the life you intend (or envision) to lead?


  2. What are the “I will” statements that will help you implement this intention?

To set intentions effectively, we have to dive deeply within ourselves, examine our purpose and attitude about life, envision living as our best self, and then consider what it will take to make it happen. It is through intention that we can make a deep commitment and investment, structured with specific routines, environments, and supports, that will serve as the foundation for changing behavior. Yes, changing behavior is hard. But through meaningful intention, one that purposefully and authentically connects to who we are and who we hope to be, we are empowered to create the life that we hope to live.

What intention will you set for yourself today?

Wellness and the Morning Routine

Every year, it feels like the start of September is different from so many other months. Even though it is weeks before summer officially ends, you can feel the impending changes in the atmosphere and the energy of the month feels charged. Perhaps it is the approaching transition to autumn with the changing sunlight, or maybe it is energy generated as children return to school. September also signals the push towards the final months of the year - the time when schedules become hectic and we try to squeeze every last drop out of each minute. These cumulative energy shifts and changes seem to mark September as a transition, one well worth considering as we explore building and maintaining wellness.

It’s probably no surprise that wellness and wellbeing are two areas often impacted when transitions happen and we have to navigate change. Focused energy on wellness or wellbeing easily falls to the wayside when other needs demand our attention. What is often overlooked, however, is that focusing on these two areas can actually improve and support our ability to navigate big energy shifts, and numerous wellness strategies offset the energy drain that often accompanies change.

Of particular relevance in a month of transition and change is the strategy of the morning routine.

The morning routine, though in early stages of study, has already produced initial research that demonstrates that increased productivity is one of the strongest benefits. By building structure and habit into the morning, people are able to accomplish more with their day, and experience increased energy and greater overall positivity. The morning routine is also believed to be influential in putting off “decision fatigue”- a phenomenon believed to generate emotional and mental fatigue as we make thousands of decisions over the course of a day. Taken altogether, the morning routine can help us streamline decisions, generate more opportunity for positive and productive energy, and increase our focus on the wellness that helps us thrive.

Now, perhaps you might be thinking… but I don’t love mornings. Or, sticking with a morning routine is hard. Maybe you are uncertain how to build the morning routine that works for you or perhaps you don’t know where to start.

The truth is… building the morning routine that works doesn’t mean you have to be a morning person and doesn’t require that you find the perfect routine from day one. We can experiment with known strategies until we find the right combination that fits within our lives. We can also start with building just one or two habits until we create a unique morning routine that supports our personal wellness and wellbeing.

Ready to give it a try? Here are a few proven strategies to consider when building out a morning routine:

  1. Get up with the alarm. Rather than hitting that snooze button a few times (or many), try getting up with the alarm every day to tell your body it’s time to get going. This tiny habit benefits both your body and your mind, creating a specific transition moment that signals it is time to start the day.

  2. Breathe. Taking just a few deep breaths as you wake up rather than frantically launching out of bed or reaching for your phone soothes the nervous system in the transition from sleep to awake. It also has the added benefit of delaying the onset of the stress that (inevitably) comes once the phone is turned on.

  3. Hydrate with water. Before grabbing that cup of coffee, reach first for a big glass of water. Even one glass will jumpstart your metabolism and help you rehydrate after sleep. This tiny habit of kickstarting with hydration can really influence the tone for the day.

  4. Move. Whether it’s stretching, an exercise routine, or a simple morning walk, movement improves memory and concentration as well as naturally reduces stress. By incorporating some type of movement into the morning routine, you’ll be poised to boost daily productivity and accomplish something positive.

  5. Give the mind time. Practicing mindfulness and meditation, even for just a few moments, can be a powerful way to set intention for the day. Whether it’s a few minutes of mindful silence, 10 minutes of journaling, or a brief gratitude reflection, this practice will bring you into the present moment and allow space to honor yourself and your wellness.

There is no prescription for the morning routine that is going to work for everyone, and there is no exact science to building the morning routine that works for you. Even when you develop a morning routine, there will be days where it just doesn’t work out the way you hope! However, being deliberate with the start of most of our days has immense benefit to our wellness and wellbeing. Not only will it give us something to rely on as we navigate transitions and change, it allows us to channel energy into the wellness and wellbeing we are growing every day.

What step will you take today to design the morning routine that supports your wellness?

Berg, Sara, What doctors wish patients knew about decision fatigue, American Medical Association, 2021
Greenstein, Luna, The Power of a Morning Routine, National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2017
Randlor, Christoph, Defend Your Research: The Early Bird Really Does Get the Worm, Harvard Business Review, 2010