Ask the RD
Welcome to our interactive nutrition blog. Yes! You help drive the content of this blog each month by sending in nutrition-focused questions. Our registered dietitian is excited to answer questions to help guide you to living your best, healthiest life.
Your questions are reviewed each month for response and then published in this monthly blog.
We also invite you to use the search bar to find previously answered questions supporting a topic of interest. If we haven’t answered your question yet, please submit and watch the next blog post for your answer.
Ask the RD | January
We take a deeper dive into microplastics, explain phytochemicals - be honest, did you really know? - and solve the mystery of how much protein we need by age. We also question our hunger cues and focus on the best diet approaches for sustainable nutritional health.
Ask the RD | September
An easy overview about macronutrients – who should be counting – leptins, lectins, and guidance on budget-friendly foods for those following a low-sugar diet. Plus, we've listed some easy kid-friendly snacks to make at home and what to buy when on-the-go.
Ask the RD | May
This month we learn about food choices to neutralize the post-workout sweat odor, strategies for menopausal weight gain and embracing our beautiful selves, and foods to minimize inflammation concerns.