Our Community

We love that we are all so wonderfully different.

Our Basecamp community includes patients, caregivers, family, friends, and neighbors. All sharing a common thread – the desire to live their best, healthiest lives.

You see, when you join our classes, attend our events, or follow one of our programs, you become part of the essence of Basecamp, our community. We recognize that every individual has their own story of why they chose Basecamp and how it’s impacted them, we see this echoed throughout our Basecamp community members. Many of whom feel so strongly about their experience, they take time to share through an email, a phone call, and sometimes even a personal visit to our offices. Stories are also shared through their providers, their social media posts, and through their family and friends. We love them all!

Take a couple minutes to meet some of our community members. Our hope is you find encouragement and connection through their stories and perhaps along the way you find yours. Some of their stories are told through curated video, others are captured in quotes sprinkled throughout our website. You’ll also find some stories woven into our local media partnerships, and through our social media channels too. And, for those fortunate to visit our flagship center in Portland, Oregon, you may even meet some of our inspiring community members as they greet you upon entering, wish you well on exit, participate alongside you in a class or program, and even walk the halls of our Providence health facilities.

We extend an open invitation to anyone who feels compelled to share. Your participation in our programming and storytelling offers a win-win-win through the positive impact to your physical health, your emotional wellbeing, and by extending an inspiring helping hand to someone else.

Ready to share your story? We'd love to hear how Basecamp Prevention + Wellness has supported you on the path to living your best, healthiest life.

What’s your why?