The Way We Live

When we think about the way we live, we look inward, reflecting on our emotions, stress levels, goals, gratitude, and how we spend our time each day. How we treat ourselves and how we serve others plays a tremendous role in our overall health.

Healthy lifestyles include reducing stress, getting enough sleep, being nicotine free, limiting alcohol, nurturing social connections, and following preventive care recommendations. This approach is the foundation of our wellbeing programs which offer opportunities for education, inspiration, and support.

Wellbeing Programs

A collection of series-based offerings focused on internal reflection of intentions, motivations, coping mechanisms, and mindfulness resources. Unlock access to an ongoing alumni group to further your practice and connection with others.

Nicotine Cessation

One of the best healthy lifestyle behaviors to support heart health is to quit the use of nicotine products such as smoking, chewing, and vaping. Build connection with others walking a similar path, unlock alumni group support. Eight-class series, virtual and in-person options.

Healthy Conversations

Connecting you – our community – with our experts around topics related to health and wellness, with an emphasis on the heart connection. A live Q&A session is held at the end of each broadcast. Quarterly sessions, typically held on a first Tuesday of a month.

Heal it Forward

We believe that doing good makes people feel better. Studies show that volunteering helps improve our self-esteem, social connectedness, and self-efficacy. It also lowers our risk of heart disease, regardless of risk factors, socioeconomic level, gender, or age.

The FIT Project

A family-centered lifestyle training program helping to bring sustainable healthy behaviors into the home with a focus on wellness, fitness, and nutrition education. Intended for families with school-age children (ages 5-18). Twelve-week self-led, on-demand subscription. 

Play Smart

Chances are your child’s heart is healthy, but a small percentage of young people have hidden heart abnormalities that put their lives at risk – especially during physical exertion. Youth heart screenings for ages 12-18. Monthly events with appointment required.

In the words of our participants.

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