July topic: Staying Positive
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Listing positive self-talk statements for specific, pivotal moments | learning about the ripple effects of positive thinking | Waksman's mental cycle technique | building self-awareness
INSTRUCTOR: Elliott Waksman, MA, CMPC, Portland Sports Psychology
Registration below connects you with this class series so that you don’t miss any of the opportunities and resources offered during June, July & August.
Here is your July video. If you haven’t registered, please send us your information in the form below. If you registered for the June conversation, you are all set. Enjoy the introduction to “staying positive” - our live conversation on this topic is scheduled for July 28.
Elliott Waksman, certified mental performance consultant, offers his passionate expertise centered around the topics of mental mindset and mental toughness. His approach creates the connection that there is an “athlete” inside each of us where his coaching can help you create a stronger mental mindset to your life practice.
Elliott joins us to offer a 3-part series to breakdown the mental toughness perspective. Beginning in June and ending in August, our community will receive a video where he speaks to one of three topics: Leaning on Your Strengths, Staying Positive, Staying Motivated.
He will challenge you to build your own mental mindset toolbox by practicing suggested conversations with yourself and with others. The 4th Tuesday of each month, those registered will receive an invitation to join him in a live, online conversation about your experience for the month, ask questions and also allow you to share you successes and challenges around his recommendations.
With the mental approach to overall wellness being an important topic within our society, join us to learn how mental toughness compliments other mental health practices such as meditation, mindfulness and stress reduction.
2nd Tuesday of the months June, July & August a video will be posted to our website and social media.
4th Tuesday of the months June, July & August you can sign up, for free, to join Elliott in the live conversations.