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Steady and Safe at Home

Staying healthy as we age takes extra care. Even during ‘usual’ times, staying healthy means paying attention to how we move our bodies and how often. Keeping our mind stimulated and sharp, as well as maintaining social connections and a sense purpose in our life, all require attention and effort.

Jamie Caulley, Providence Physical Therapist and Senior Health Program Clinical Liaison
Colleen M. Casey, PhD, ANP-BC, Associate Clinical Director for Providence Senior Health Program

During a pandemic, like the one we are experiencing now, these daily practices become all the more important. There are also many additional steps needed to keep ourselves healthy during this time. The restrictions on how we go about our normal routines, and where we can go, can challenge and interrupt our normal strategies for maintaining health, placing us at higher risk of illness or injury. It has become a lot harder to get a daily walk in, attend an exercise class, or be active out in the community. Preliminary data has shown that the decrease in activity levels of older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in fall-related fractures by 50-67%, likely due to deconditioning that comes from inactivity.

Now that fall prevention is as important as ever, the National Council on Aging (NCOA) has extended National Fall Prevention Awareness Day, normally the first day of fall, to a full week of fall risk awareness. This year, the week runs September 21st through 25th. In support of this national endeavor, Providence experts will offer educational classes focused on aging well, staying mobile, and reducing the risk of a serious fall. For the first time, these classes will be available online as webinars.

All events are free and open to anyone. Please encourage your patients, friends or family to attend.

Wednesday, September 16th, 1 p.m.—3 p.m. - REGISTER HERE
Tuesday, September 22nd, 10 a.m.—12 p.m. - REGISTER HERE
Thursday, September 24th, 11 a.m.—1 p.m. - REGISTER HERE

Webinars will include a short introduction to Tai Chi, which has been found to reduce fall risk in half when practiced regularly.

Those who register will have access to the class handouts. Visit or call 503-574-6595 or 800-562-8964.

September 24

Mat Pilates

September 24

Flow Yoga