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Cultivating the Heart Qualities

A drop of kindness creates rings of subsequent kindness. Be the drop, create the ripple.

Meeting uncertainty with the qualities of Loving Kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity.
These four qualities, called the Brahmaviharas in Pali, arise from traditional Buddhist practices that were taught more than 2500 years ago. They were used as tools to cultivate a mind and heart of ease and wellbeing that benefited not only oneself but all beings. Today, contemporary research studies are showing that practicing these qualities on a daily basis, “increases one’s positive emotions and one’s degree of satisfaction with existence. The subjects feel more joy, kindness, gratitude, hope and enthusiasm, and the longer their training was, the more marked were the positive effects.” – Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Imagine what it would be like if we all adopted and embodied this attitude in how we think, speak and act toward ourselves and others.

We will meet once a month to study and reflect on the practice that we’re developing that month. In December, we’ll begin exploring and practicing with loving kindness. Each week throughout the month, written material, including audio links on the month’s topic will be sent to you to support your exploration and development of that particular quality.

In order to fully realize the benefits of these practices, it is encouraged that participants make a commitment to practice these teachings and meditations 30 minutes daily.

Supporting your practice:

  • Participants will receive a monthly packet via email.

  • It is highly recommended that you purchase the book, Loving Kindness, the Revolutionary Art of Happiness by Sharon Salzberg.

  • Download the free app, 'Insight Timer'

This program is free but we do ask that you register so that we can provide you with follow-up resources from the conversation and get to know our community members sharing their time with us. Upon registering, we will send you a link to access the online conversation.

Details: Dec-Mar, 6 Session class. This course meets at 5:30 PM on the 1st Monday of the month with a 30-minute mid-month check-in.
December 6, 2021 - March 7, 2022

Class dates: Dec 6, Jan 3, Feb 7, Mar 7

30-Minute, mid-month check-in dates: Dec 20, Jan 24, Feb 21

Instructor: Carole Melkonian

Registration closes the first day of the first session. To register, please visit Dec 6.

February 21

Flow Yoga

February 21

Wellness is for Everyone!