The 80% Opportunity. Eighty percent of heart disease is preventable by what we eat, how we move, the way we live. We believe by taking several small steps over time, we create a remarkable finish.
Each month we share a small challenge to help you take another step toward living your best, healthiest life.
Visit our BASECAMP IS EVERYWHERE page to learn more!
Letting go of stuff allows for a clearer space - physically and mentally. This can include material objects like clothes, shoes, and old sports equipment. But, did you know you can declutter your mind too? Clearing your mind can be simple steps of removing yourself from a stressful situation and taking a few deep breaths; it can also be the process of letting go of the thoughts that can clutter your mind during the day. Maybe it’s thinking about the house that needs to be cleaned, the growing list of tasks circling your mind, or even worry over something outside of your control.
‘Spring cleaning’ doesn’t need to happen just once a year! That freeing sense felt when you’ve cleared out a cluttered closet, dropped off a a box or two for donation, or weeded the garden - it’s a healthy feeling and one you can replicate at any time.
Start Small: Each week, write down your to-do list of errands and tasks. Check them off one by one as you’re able to complete. This way, you can relieve some stress with trying to remember it all. Plus, it’s so rewarding to cross an item off that list!
Finish Remarkable: Schedule time each week for mindfulness moments of breathing, silence/meditation, and even journaling. This gives your mind time to relax and exit the busyness of life. If decluttering is more about ridding of extra belongings, take inventory and set a plan. Identify what items you’d like to part with and find a local charity to donate. You’ve not only helped your community, you’ve double-dipped in the benefits for yourself by reducing the ‘stuff’ and doing good for others.