The 80% Opportunity. Eighty percent of heart disease is preventable by what we eat, how we move, the way we live. We believe by taking several small steps over time, we create a remarkable finish.
Each month we share a small challenge to help you take another step toward living your best, healthiest life.
Visit our BASECAMP IS EVERYWHERE page to learn more!
I WILL: Take the Stairs
Being your healthiest self isn’t about heroic efforts. It’s about your habits and instincts - and the little things that add up to something bigger. That’s the real reason that taking the stairs instead of the elevator is such a good idea. Sure, you’ll burn a few calories when you walk up the stairs and get your heart pumping a little bit, which is great. But you will also be reminding yourself that being active is just part of living. You’ll turn the healthy, active option into your default choice. And that makes all the difference.
Start Small: Commit to taking the stairs whenever you need to go up or down one floor.
Finish Remarkable: Swear off elevators. Next stop, Mount Hood.