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Start Small, Finish Remarkable Challenge

The 80% Opportunity. Eighty percent of heart disease is preventable by what we eat, how we move, the way we live. We believe by taking several small steps over time, we create a remarkable finish. 

Each month we share a small challenge to help you take another step toward living your best, healthiest life.

Visit our BASECAMP IS EVERYWHERE page to learn more!

I WILL: Stand Up For My Health

Being a couch potato isn’t healthy. That’s not news, but this might be: we now have evidence that sitting for prolonged periods of time may increase the risk of heart disease, cancer and obesity. The muscle activity required by walking - and even standing - helps us process sugars and fats more efficiently, so the more time you spend sitting down, the less efficient your body becomes. People who stand more, live more.

Start Small: Set a timer (you can use your phone) and every 30 minutes take a walk around the house or office.

Finish Remarkable: Set up a standing workspace. You can buy a desk specifically designed for standing, or you can do it with crates on your current desk!

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July 7

Sunrise Yoga

July 7

Tai Chi