I WILL: Swap My Fats

Trans fats should be avoided whenever possible, while recommended amounts of other fat sources vary.

There’s an ongoing debate about the health risks of saturated fats, but most agree that those from plants (avocados, nuts, etc.) are okay in modest quantities. Olive oil and fish oil are healthy options and should be used as substitutes for other fats when possible.

Start Small: Go trans fat-free. Read food labels and avoid any ingredients that include trans fats or partially hydrogenated oils.

Finish Remarkable: Choose healthier fats when you can - use olive oil, replace beef with fish, and make nuts, beans and avocado part of your routine.

How can we help? Basecamp offers resources to support your wellness around this topic!
Here’s what’s available…

  • Ask the RD: includes great information on choosing the right oil based on your need - a healthier option, variations for cooking, etc. Great information on proper heat temperatures per oil and the recommended best options.


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