Holding onto Wellness at the Holidays

The time is upon us - chestnuts are roasting on open fires and Jack Frost is nipping at noses. Winter and holiday events that bring family and friends together are in the near future; images of merry gatherings, gleeful children, and fluffy, white snow cloud our brains and flood our media. We have plans stacked on top of plans - so much to do this winter season! There’s a sense of anticipation for the holiday season and excitement about the approach of a new year.

Given all the potential for joy and happy connection at this time of year, given all the hope and excitement - why, then, are we feeling so stressed out??

Regardless of the holiday you celebrate, or if you celebrate any at all, this is the notoriously stressful time of year where the nostalgia of the past and/or expectations for the future collide with the reality of the present. This is the time of the year when so many things we envision and get excited about just don’t turn out the way we hoped. And all too often, it’s during this season when we feel the most distracted and ultimately lose track of how to hold onto wellness.

At the top of the list of recommendations for navigating holiday season stress are ideas such as slowing down, maintaining routines, and scheduling down time. While these are all awesome strategies to get through this time of year, let’s talk about how to push further - from just managing stress to thriving with wellness this season. Here are a few ideas to explore:

Truthfully, we carry our wellness with us always, even in the times of high stress - it is intricately entwined within our being! With the holidays and busy winter season upon us, however, it’s easy to shove it deep down and plan for a re-emergence when it’s time to set a resolution for the new year. But we can choose a different path through the winter madness! In being authentic and true to what we hope and dream for this season, in focusing on those things that are most important to us right now, in setting intention to live in the moment through this busy time of the year - we can shift focus from just surviving to thriving with wellness. And in doing so, we can enter this holiday and winter season holding wellness as the way to living as our best selves.


Starting a New Wellness Chapter


Steps on a Wellness Journey