Embracing Change through Wellness

The final weeks of winter are an interesting and often puzzling time of the year. Long, dark days are finally coming to an end, and there is excitement to emerge from hibernation to plan for warmer months ahead. Yet, the unpredictability of this time of the year also leaves us somewhat in limbo – we are energized but wary of the winter’s end. We are not really certain when one season will end and the transition will truly begin.

In everyday life, we experience so many of the same emotions felt during seasonal change. We are excited and apprehensive, confused and uncertain, wary but also optimistic. Just like negotiating the winter/spring transition, we can envision the spring ahead but must also navigate the uncertainties of the present.

It can be a bumpy process.

What is certain, though, is that change is perhaps the most constant process we will ever experience. From enduring seasonal change to managing daily challenges, there will always be changes to navigate and overcome. They will take all shapes and sizes – from big to small and sudden to planned – and will occur for a myriad of reasons – sometimes the result of choices we make, sometimes choices imposed upon us, and oftentimes life simply unfolding in unexpected ways. With certainty, we will live through change continually, and it will often be complex and unpredictable, just like these final weeks of winter. 

When building wellness and wellbeing, facing change is an inevitable part of the process – to live the best life we envision, some level of change is guaranteed to be involved. But wellness and wellbeing offer so much more for navigating change! Through the practice of building wellness and wellbeing, we can approach life changes with an attitude of growth and learning. Facing change with a perspective of wellness can shape our change experiences into ones that generate growth, build flexibility, and create pathways for taking the next step forward.

Interested in trying out a strategy to tackle change through a wellness lens? Consider a change you are currently facing and imagine how these tools could shift how you navigate that change:

  1. Holding grace and space to adjust. Whether expected or not, change reflects the shift of one circumstance to another. In allowing ourselves grace, we let ourselves experience the emotions that arise without judgment. This allows us to take time to process the change we are experiencing – holding space to adjust to what is new.

  2.  Exploring with a growth mindset. While our feelings around change can be overwhelming, when we explore the changes through a growth mindset, we both process the change and understand how it can help us grow. With this mindset, we view the change as a learning opportunity and direct focus to what we have gained through the process.

  3. Using thought reframing. As a strategy, thought reframing can help us bridge changes by shifting the lens of what we understand. For example, we can use thought reframing to explore what aspects of the situation can be controlled versus the aspects of the situation beyond our control. We can also consider what benefits could arise rather than focusing exclusively on the losses.

  4. Seeking support. When it comes to change, we do not need to go at it alone. Support systems, including family and friends, are an essential part of our lives and an incredible tool when it comes to understanding and handling change. Having a sounding board for talking through a change with a loved one can make a tremendous impact on having confidence to face even the most difficult circumstances. 

In the ups and downs of life, there is one thing that we will all face with certainty – we will all face change. When we can embrace change through the lens of wellness, though, our changes can generate new perspectives, welcome new opportunities, and help us grow into new spaces. In this way, change can become more than something we survive – experiencing change with wellness will support the wellness that allows us to thrive.

What strategy will you use when faced with your next change?


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