Choose Well
Basecamp Prevention + Wellness is proud to support our colleagues, Providence caregivers, through opportunities to live their best, healthiest lives while also earning health incentive points. Always remember, our programming is meant for our caregivers too!
Choose Well + Basecamp
Providence caregivers can earn Choose Well points through participation in our programs and classes. Some programs award lump sum points upon completion while other offerings are available for you to personally track through your healthy habits within your account (aka VirginPulse App).
Within each drop down (+), additional information is included on the earning potential and how points are awarded.
If you have additional questions, you can contact us or reach out to the Providence Choose Well team.
FIT FOUNDATIONS - 2,500 points
An on-demand, self-led video series focused on families with school-aged children.
Register your family for The FIT Project’s FIT Foundations, 12-week series and collect points with successful completion.
Successful completion for points:
Complete Pre-Assessment Survey
Complete all weeks of the program
Complete Post-Assessment Survey
Points will be automatically applied to your account on a quarterly basis. Points processed at the end of each quarter with inclusion based on when you complete the post-assessment survey.
Learn more about the program and register for FIT Foundations.
8,000 points possible
Earn up to 6,000 points by actively participating in our online weekly survey: 500 points per week. You will need to complete the weekly online survey to earn points (12 surveys total). Points will be compiled upon completion of the season.
Earn 2,000 points by completing a 5K at the end of the training season. You will complete an attestation of completion with the 5K being completed within a specified time period following the 12 weeks of training. You can choose your own 5K goal event near you, map your own course and record, or register for the sponsored 5K event with virtual or in-person options.
Points will be automatically added to your Choose Well account within 60 days of the season completion.
Learn more about the program and register for group training on the Heart to Start webpage.
Earn 1,500 points!
A 4-week series offered virtually 1-2 times each year and in-person within Portland, OR once each year.
Successful completion to earn points means:
Attend all 4 weekly sessions
Attend Silent Retreat
Learn more about this series by visiting our website.
Providence caregivers who successfully complete the 8-week series can earn 4,000 Choose Well health incentive points: register, attend all 8 classes, complete the post-participation survey.
Earned points will be deposited into your account within 30 days of completion.
Learn more about this Providence Nicotine Cessation series.
Other opportunities to earn points with our programs and classes:
Match your chosen healthy habits with classes and activities offered. Log to your account to earn daily points.
Track your steps! Participate in a movement class and earn points. You can also log a workout if you can’t track with a smartphone or watch.
Create a challenge and invite colleagues to join a class or program with you.