Eating for Energy + Exercise

This month we focus on fueling our bodies for sustainable energy throughout the day. How we achieve the needed energy depends on our food choices and the timing of food consumption. Let’s also visit best fueling practices when exercising — what types of exercise actually require an increase in food.

Important Education Takeaways

  • Fueling begins with breakfast. This truly is the most important meal of the day, as these food choices can offer sustainable energy to help carry you through the day.

  • Routine exercise doesn’t necessarily require eating more. Focus on what you are eating and when you eat.

  • Timing of food consumption matters. Carbs fuel your muscles, while protein builds and repairs them. The amount you need depends on the duration and intensity of your workout.

    • Aim to consume a combination of a protein and a carb 1 to 4 hours before your workout and within 30 minutes post workout.

    • Yummy combinations: nut butter and fruit, PB&J sandwich, Greek yogurt with fresh berries, Trail mix (nuts + dried fruit).

    • Find more helpful tips for foods pre- and post-workout in our Ask the RD blog.

  • Stay hydrated! Drinking the right amount of fluid before, during, and after physical activity is important.

    • Focus on consuming small amounts of fluid throughout the day rather than consuming larger amounts quickly. More helpful tips on this topic can be found in our Ask the RD blog.

    • You can check your urine color to monitor hydration. Darker urine, like the color of apple juice, usually means you need more fluids.


  • Recipe of the month: Good Morning Hot Cereal

    • As always, this recipe is the showcase of our live taught, virtual cooking class. Our chef and registered dietitian bring the recipe to life as they walk you through food prep, swaps to meet dietary or taste preferences, plus tips and tools to support you being your own healthy chef at home.

  • Bonus recipe: Watermelon Berry Salad

    • From Jamie’s kitchen to yours, our monthly bonus recipes are published on our website and social media the 4th Wednesday of each month. We invite you to browse our recipe collection and come back often to find more flavorful and heart-healthy recipes.

We invite you to join us for the live taught, virtual nutrition classes each month to gather more information on our nutrition topics. This is also an opportunity to ask topic-related questions of our experts as well as connect socially with attendees for idea sharing. As a registered participant for our In the Kitchen program, you receive a few reminders ahead of each scheduled monthly classes, but here’s an easy to remember schedule: Nutrition Education (30-minutes, 2nd Wednesday, 12pm), Cooking Class (up to 60-minutes, 3rd Monday, 12pm).

Contributing authors: Kayla Guillory, MS, RD, CDCES, diabetes educator, Providence Community Teaching Kitchen; Jamie Libera, RD, LD, CCTD, registered dietitian, Providence.


Meal Planning and Prep


Creativity in the Kitchen: Recipes for Summer