Staying True to Your Wellness

There is much to love about summer. For many of us, it’s the season of warmth and joy, napping and relaxation, vibrancy and adventure. With summer’s arrival, we shed the winter hibernation along with the transitional time of spring to jump headfirst into the season of many delights. The long, sunny days beckon us to step outside and explore new places as well as indulge in those often-forgotten leisure activities…we finally get to enjoy all the things we miss while navigating ordinary, everyday life.

With so much to love about summer, it can be hard to acknowledge that this season also brings a certain amount of upheaval. The season of freedom and brightness is known to disrupt regular routines as well as challenge the precarious balance of work and play. It is easy to become overcommitted in our excitement about the summer, and it is not uncommon to experience stress over planning and travel, increased expenses, as well as disrupted sleep. Through all of this, our focus on wellness & wellbeing goals can be impacted, and we can easily get off track despite our best hopes and intentions.

To stay on top of the upheaval that summer may bring, a proactive approach with practical strategies is key for staying on track. Even as the routine may change with the summer season, we can stay on top of our wellness & wellbeing with mindful planning, flexibility, and consistent self-care practices. By anticipating challenges and setting realistic goals, we can enjoy the vibrancy of summer while maintaining a healthy balance. Here are some strategies for successfully navigating the summer months without sacrificing our wellness hopes and dreams along the way…

  • Embrace Flexibility: The first step in maintaining wellness goals during the summer is to embrace flexibility. We need to understand that usual routines may not always be feasible, and rather than stress over sticking to a strict schedule, we can adapt activities to fit the summer vibe. With flexibility, we might try new outdoor activities, change up our workouts, or experiment with seasonal foods that take us out of our comfort zone. We can enjoy the season while prioritizing health and wellness, embracing new ideas and experiences that come our way.

  • Plan Ahead: Planning is crucial to staying on track with healthy habits in the summer, and a key strategy for staying on top of wellness is to prepare and plan for those things we can control. Whether traveling or attending social events, we can proactively pack healthy snacks, schedule rest, and plan for physical activity as well as breaks. In doing all of this, we are better positioned to make healthy choices, stay on track with goals, and avoid temptations that arise by anticipating them well in advance.

  • Maintain a Sleep Routine: One of the downsides of summer is that longer days and frequent social activities can interfere with regular sleep schedules, yet we know that getting enough rest is essential for overall wellness. As best as possible, we want to aim to stick with a relaxing bedtime ritual and plan for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Through this commitment to regular rest, we will be set up to fully enjoy all the summer adventures while maintaining trajectory on our wellness path.

  • Practice Mindfulness: Since summer can be a busy time with lots of distractions, the practice of mindfulness is another essential ingredient for staying on track with wellness goals. If we take even just a few minutes each day to meditate, journal, or simply sit in reflection, we can reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and stay connected to our intentions. Through the regular practice of mindfulness all summer long, we will keep our wellness boosted throughout each day and more deeply enjoy those precious summer moments.

  • Set Realistic Goals: While it’s important to stay committed to wellness intentions and objectives, even during the summer, it’s also essential to be realistic and set achievable goals that account for the changes in our routines. It really is okay to relax and enjoy ourselves in these summer months! So, instead of aiming for perfection, we can strive for balance – in setting realistic and achievable goals, we can both enjoy the summer and prioritize our health.

  • Listen to Your Body: Last but never least, we want to be certain to take time to listen to our bodies throughout these summertime months. Summer can be physically demanding, and we want to pay particular attention to how we feel – when we are tired, we rest; when we are hungry, we nourish ourselves with wholesome foods. By tuning into our body’s needs and responding to them, we maintain balance and avoid burnout. This allows us to continue to pursue our wellness goals while making the most out of these glorious summer days.

Summer is an amazing time of the year that often brings changes to our routines but does not have to jeopardize our wellness journey. While staying on track with wellness goals during the summer may require some adjustments, it’s entirely possible with a flexible and mindful approach. We can embrace the summer season’s opportunities for outdoor activities and adventures while also making self-care a priority. By planning and setting realistic goals, we both maintain our wellness objectives and make the most of this vibrant season. Striking balance not only allows us to enjoy the summer – it gives us space to maintain focus on health and wellbeing all along the way.

What strategy will you incorporate into your summer plans to stay on track with your wellness journey?


Framework for Wellness: Meaningful SMART Goals


Navigating Health & Wellness Noise