Basecamp Prevention + Wellness

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Embracing Daily Creativity and Fun to Thrive

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it is easy to get caught up in routines and responsibilities, meetings and activities, household chores and social obligations. Days are typically filled with a blur of tasks to be completed and deadlines to be met with schedules often packed to the absolute max. In fact, it is not uncommon that we find ourselves just trying to navigate the whirlwind of day-to-day by surviving from moment to moment. Our lives are filled with doing everything necessary to keep all the balls in the air.

Yet, one of the greatest impacts of being consumed by this busy-ness in daily life is that little space is often left for spontaneity, creativity, and fun, all of which are critical for shifting from surviving to thriving. All too often, we consider these “extras” or less important when it comes to our wellness; we forget in all the busy-ness that truly thriving requires practices for the physical as well as the emotional and spiritual aspects of our being.

And the truth of the matter is that creativity and fun have tremendous impact on overall wellness and wellbeing. Moments of spontaneity, creativity, and fun not only offer reprieve from the stress of daily life but are essential for rejuvenating our spirits, honoring our self-expression, and building experiences of enjoyment into the day-to-day. Whether through playfulness and imagination, or experiences of wonder and joy, it is when we infuse daily life with creativity and fun that we nourish our souls, fuel our passions, and revitalize our sense of purpose. They remind us that we are more than just our responsibilities and obligations – that life is also filled with moments of happiness and authentic fun.

One of the most remarkable things about crafting space for creativity and fun is that only our imaginations limit their expression. What’s more, they can be built within our packed schedules to infuse fun and thriving into daily routines. Need some inspiration to get started? Take a peek at these ideas for bringing creativity and fun into every day…

  • Morning Rituals with a Twist: Start the day by infusing morning rituals with a spark of creativity or fun. Instead of mechanically going through the routine, spice it up by adding elements that spark joy. Turn breakfast into a canvas by arranging fruit in an artistic design or hold a mini morning dance party with your favorite upbeat tunes while getting ready. It is through these simple creative acts that a positive tone can be set for the day.

  • Daily Doodles or Journaling: Find ways to carve out a few minutes in the day for doodling or journaling (no fancy art or writing skills necessary to enjoy the benefits of these activities!). You can unleash your imagination and relieve stress for 2 minutes by letting your pen wander freely across the page to create patterns, shapes, or whatever comes to mind. Or perhaps take 5-8 minutes to journal about the day, what fills you with gratitude, or your dreams and aspirations. It only takes a few minutes to reap benefits from this grounding self-expression.

  • Creative Breaks: Reenergize and refocus by incorporating short, creative breaks into a daily schedule. A simple strategy includes setting aside 5-10 minutes every 2 hours to engage in a creative activity of your choice. Whether it’s drawing a quick sketch, solving a puzzle, or even brainstorming ideas for a passion project, these breaks not only provide a mental breather but also stimulate creativity, making you more productive in the long run.

  • Explore Something New: Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and explore new hobbies or activities. It doesn’t matter what you try! Rather, in trying something new, you introduce novelty into routine and stimulate your brain in fresh ways. It doesn’t take being perfect or even mastering a skill – the benefits are in enjoying the process and embracing the learning curve as a part of growing overall. Who knows, a hidden talent or a newfound passion might be discovered along the way!

  • Playful Evenings: Look for ways to wind down the day with play in the evening to help the transition into relaxation mode. Instead of zoning out in front of the TV or scrolling the phone, opt for activities that engage creativity and bring joy. Build a blanket fort and have a cozy movie night, organize a game or puzzle, or simply spend some time doodling or crafting. These lighthearted activities promote bonding – with ourselves and with others – as well as facilitate de-stressing after a long day.

While often falling to the wayside in daily life, creativity and fun are not only beneficial but essential for our wellness and wellbeing. Regular practices of creativity and fun not only nurture our minds, spirits, and souls, but allow us to infuse life with more than the busy-ness of doing. With small adjustments in daily routines, we can build space for creativity and fun that helps us cultivate the vibrant, best life we envision. Even more, by prioritizing creativity and fun, we enrich our lives, nurture our wellbeing, and create a more space for thriving, one joyous moment at a time.

How will you infuse creativity and fun into your daily routine this week?