Heart to Start . Season 13
Online Portal

Welcome friends! We are so happy you have joined us for SEASON 13. This online portal will connect you with everything you need to participate successfully for the 12 weeks of training and in the goal event activities. If this is your first year joining our program, welcome. To our returning friends, we are so happy to reconnect.

As a Providence health system community program, our employees (aka caregivers) participate alongside individual community members from across the nation and around the world. It’s exciting to bring together so many people with different backgrounds who are all working together toward a common goal.

We are more than an exercise program! We are a community. Thank you for having the heart to start.

The following menu allows you to browse specific topics for helpful information, links, and ideas.
Use the + on the right to open each section.

    • Read the 8 Helpful Tips!

    • Set your calendar for these 12 weeks. Our training plan has a suggested schedule but it’s flexible. So get your calendar out, set 4 days each week for your walking or running (or preferred activity).

    • Understand the interval training plan. Important details to help you know what to do for the interval training days.

    • GET CONNECTED - join our FB Private Group, our Strava Training Club (it’s free!).

    • Local to Portland, OR? Mark your calendar for our weekly training meetups at the track on Saturday mornings. 9am, Catlin Gabel School Track.

    • Add our email address to your contacts to lessen the likelihood our communications will be filtered to your spam folders (base.camp@providence.org).

  • Our primary focus is the 5K Training Plan. However, as we support returning community members who may have a new goal of a 10K, we’ve developed a separate training plan for that distance.

    Don’t forget, these plans are for walkers or runners. Both modes of movement can have a “fast pace” and a “slow pace” in following the interval training.

    It’s important to note that we set up these training plans with a suggested weekly schedule, please adjust as needed to fit your personal schedule.

    Understand the interval training plan. Important details to help you know what to do for the interval training days.

  • Additional resources to support you during this 12-week season and beyond.

    • H2S Strength: Access the workout videos to complement your interval training.

    • Facebook Group: Connect with other season participants for wonderful social engagement, encouragement, and inspiration. This is a private group requiring a request to access if you’re not already a member.

    • Strava Club: Track your workouts and engage with other season participants. Access to this app and the club are FREE. You can decline all prompts for payment unless you personally would like to invest for other features.

    • Audio Training Guide: Access the weekly episodes and press play for each interval workout. You’ll receive audio prompts to change interval paces, helpful tips, timely encouragement, and some entertaining tunes while you move.

    • Stretching Tips: Access to some suggested stretching pre/post workout and some ideas for those with mobility concerns.

  • The Providence Heart to Start 5K/10K is our annual in-person goal event, bringing participants together to celebrate one another as we all cross the finish line. Registered participants of Season 13 receive a 50% discount code in their weekly emails - we encourage you to take advantage and register soon for best pricing. You can choose from a virtual or in-person registration. Special thanks to our partnership with Hood To Coast Race Series to bring this great event to our community.

    Providence employees preferring to create your own 5K goal event adventure: don’t delay in setting your intentions for completing this important step in your training commitment. An attestation will be provided at the end of the program to verify completion for earning Choose Well points.

  • Descargue su plan de entrenamiento 5K

    ¿Le gustaría enlazarse con otros participantes de habla hispana? Por favor haga clic aquí y le enviaremos el enlace al grupo de chat WhatsApp.

    Agradecemos poder contar con nuestro equipo de Providence Promotores de Portland, Oregon, que fungen como embajadores del programa Heart to Start (corazón de arranque). Es un magnífico grupo social con el cual conectarse desde donde sea. Si está en el área de Portland, Oregon, le dirán de las reuniones de capacitación programadas a lo largo de 12 semanas.

  • Participants who are local to Portland, Oregon have an option to join us each week for a track meetup. We gather together to complete the final interval training workout of the week. Walkers and runners of all paces celebrate and connect as we move around the track. Your Heart to Start coaches are there to inspire and also help you navigate the interval changes (cue the cowbell and whistle!!).

    Saturdays, 9am
    December 7, 2024 - February 15, 2025
    Catlin Gabel School Track
    8825 SW Barnes Road Portland, Oregon 97225
    Helpful visual of parking options and the track (the red circles are parking areas; the red heart is the track).

    Inclement Weather: We are a rain or shine group. Plan your attire for any cool or wet weather (layers are great, moisture wicking socks). At times, ice, snow, or frigid temperatures prevent safe travel or participation. We will email participants who selected “in person” during their registration and post in our two social groups (Facebook/Strava). Please use your best judgement when choosing to attend each week.

DID YOU KNOW? A combination of aerobic and strength training exercise is optimal for cardiovascular health. That’s why we created the H2S Strength video-based series - because we LOVE our hearts. It’s also important to know all the strength training options available to you, based on your current exercise experience. As always, please consult with your primary care provider before starting a new exercise program.


Learn more about how you earn health incentive points!

Questions? Please let us know, we are happy to help!

QUESTIONS about the program? Email us!

Heart to Start is powered by Basecamp Prevention + Wellness, part of Providence Heart Institute. Based in Portland, Oregon. This free community program is made possible by generous donations through the Providence St. Vincent Medical Foundation.