Start Small,
Finish Remarkable
Starting small is the first step to a remarkable finish.
We believe the path to living your best, healthiest life is through several small steps. Over time, these small steps create a sustainable foundation in helping to reach your personal summit.

I WILL: Cut the Salt
Want to cut down on your salt? Don’t just look at your saltshaker. Studies have shown that those added dashes account for just 10% of total sodium consumption. The real culprit is processed foods and restaurant meals.

I WILL: Practice Mindfulness
Learning how to let go of everyday stress doesn’t just make you feel better; it can help you live a longer, more satisfying life.
Learning mindfulness techniques that you can use every day to relax your body and mind not only reduce your stress and anxiety levels, but they have also been shown to decrease blood pressure.

I WILL: Stand Up for My Health
Being a couch potato isn’t healthy. We now have evidence that sitting for prolonged periods of time may increase the risk of heart disease, cancer, and obesity. The muscle activity required by walking — and even standing — helps us process sugars and fats more efficiently, so the more time you spend sitting down, the less efficient your body becomes. People who stand more, live better.